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Ooops, Daily Blog! Blog
29th November 2011
Sorry, I missed a day or two, there.. Must be getting into the code.

I say "into the code"..
What I mean is, I'm getting really cheesed off by all this converting stuff and it's driving me completely insane!
Lesson Learned : I need to layout my code better!
.. I won't, but it's a nice lesson to learn!


You might've also noticed that I seem to be doing other bits and pieces.
iDev really isn't pleasant, and I'm finding myself getting sidetracked by pretty much anything.
I wrote that silly "One will kill you" thing, the other day, for starters.
I've also opened up Sheep Goes Left, shrunk all the mp3s, and started to add GameCenter highscores to it.
No idea when that'll be finished, and in all honesty, I probably shouldn't be doing it.
.. I should be doing NeonPlat Adventures iOS.

NeonPlat's basic code conversion is about 80% done.
All those AIs and Powerups and things... they ain't easy to do!
But they're mostly there, now.
However, this IS only the code.
Next up comes the bit where I need to rescale the whole game to fit into it's new size.

If I'd've thought these things through from the beginning, I could've accounted for everything with nice variables and things.
In fact, I NEARLY did..
If the game looked right scaled identically down to iOS screens, then the code would've been a simple copy+paste.. However, having to reduce things down to a game that's about 2/3 the height, and a much smaller visible area, (but not having to use scaled sprites, so everything's crisp and clear on Retina) the game's AI, Level generator and more, is all going to have to be tweaked, piece by piece, so things don't wander off the screen!

Anyhoo, it's getting late, and I'm doing silly mistakes.. I've only 9 more AI chunks to do, those should be nice and easy, then it's time to dig through the whole lot again, and try to make things "feel" right.
Not looking forward to that bit!

It's times like these that you wonder if it might've been easier to just recode the entire thing from scratch!!

.. oh, and I've no down button.. grr...

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