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Readme.txt Blog
10th December 2011
When I was building the beta versions of NeonPlat Adventures, it always included a little readme file.
The final release didn't have one, but I figured that was ok, because it was so simple it didn't really need one.
The original readme was only really there to explain that beta peeps shouldn't mention the Calendar, and then I kinda rambled on a bit!

Anyhoo, if you find yourself in desperate need of a readme file, this is it!


NeonPlat Adventures

What is this!?

NeonPlat Adventures plays like a classic Super Mario Land game, and indeed, that was it's inspiration.
The player starts on the left, heads to the right, and avoids all the deadly things in-between.

Along the way, you can grab the flowers, grass and spheres to throw at the baddies, and collect as many of the little tokens that you can get your hands on, to earn extra lives.

Collecting the lettered boxes will gain you a Retry credit that you can use to restart a level in the inevitable event that you get killed by a hopping springy thing.


Throwing one of the many Spheres at a baddy will capture it into a neat little floating bubble.
Grab the bubble to earn a Hat!
Each enemy will give you a different powerup.

Bats will earn the ability to throw many Spheres.
Jack (the bouncy spring) will give you the ability to jump in midair.

Each hat lasts only a short while, and collecting a new hat will erase the previous one.
There are many baddies in the game, and each one is moderately unique!
Why not see if you can figure them all out.


The titlescreen of the game takes the form of a calendar.
Each day on the calendar contains 4 unique levels to play through, and each holds their own highscore table.
You can play any day of any year you'd like, up until today. (or any day, during December! .. that's not a bug, honest!)

Come back tomorrow, and you'll get a nice new set of levels to play, or you can roam around the calendar to see if there's any fun dates that you might like to try out.


Created by James "Jayenkai" Gamble, made in 2 months.
Started September 11th 2011
Released November 13th 2011. (1st release)

Most of that time was spent doodling all the odd little sprites, then trying to come up with little Powerups for each and every one of them.

A random level builder was cobbled together, and then had to be tweaked for a good couple of weeks before it started to make levels that didn't keep trapping the player.

The iOS Edition

A version for iOS is incoming, but it's taking longer than expected.
A few bits and pieces (quite a few!) are going to need rethinking, due to screensize, sprite limitations, and the player's ability to do anything about it!

Expected release date January 15th 2012.. maybe

About The Author

I write games for kicks. It's what I do.
People assume I also love to play games, but I tend to become bored with most games after a fairly short while.

Instead, I think I'm more of a Concept player/writer. I like the ideas of game. I like to play around with all the new methods and styles of games, so I write random things and see where they take me.

I started AGameAWeek a few years ago, as a way to channel these random ideas into something that looks mostly planned.

It's not planned, though! And neither are the games. They're all off the top of my head, and bulit up as they go along.
Sometimes they're good.
Most of the time they're not!

But there's always something new around the corner, waiting to be discovered.

Why Not Try

A couple of games that I constantly find myself going back to, years after their release.

Super Obliteration
A remake by (the original) The Caffeine Kid, which sees you running back and forth through a small platform arena, dodging giant meteors, and shooting them with your great big gun.

Another remake, this time by Zolyx/Firestorm, where you're playing an Arkanoid/Breakout style game, which sticks all the levels together into a massive widescreen paddle based adventure.
Head to the right, bash all the bricks, but if you miss the ball it'll start falling back through the levels until you catch it!

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