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Mailbag!! (Now with added artistic amazingness) Blog
26th August 2009
It's that unexpected time, where I randomly choose to rummage through the bundles of silly game ideas, and pluck out the best/worst!
Let's throw out the spam, and get started.


FFS, there's a lot of spam!
Don't ever put a blank form onto a webpage!!


Wednesday 12th of August 2009 05:18:45 AM
Name : Shitterwing
Idea : what? add rats that pass through boxes and turn in the box's bash dir, and make them kill the char with a single touch! make it have 2 modes - turn mode (your turn, then one rat's turn) and realtime mode.

2 player mode does indeed sound like fun. That might definitely be something to try out.

Wednesday 12th of August 2009 07:20:02 AM
Name : Cormac
Idea : A shooting game, along the lines of Clearvision.

I hadn't a clue what you meant, so my googling found me this video. clicky
1:30 into the video, the game started. (FFS!)
It was a picture, and the player clicked on it twice. Then the game was over, and I had to wait another 15 or so seconds before the next picture turned up.

---> . <---- click here to win!

To be fair, it got a little better by about the 4 minute mark, but by then I'd given up.
I got impatient.
Games should start at the point where they're interesting, not have a 5 minute tutorial.

Thursday 13th of August 2009 04:42:04 AM
Name : Thunderskull 4024
Idea : no need to animate much, as it is a grid game, take any top-down pic of a dog. make all power-ups green, and it will go as a get-the-greens, as you said 'no ideas for that sort of games', 'the ammount of get-the-greens is getting stupid'.

Thunderskull's still on about his DigDog thing from the other week.
Indeed, changing "Get the Greens" from orange blob gets green blob into Dog gets Bone is a simple way to avoid it. In future I'll try to remember that.
But the point only stands if your idea of a dog looks like this.

Thursday 13th of August 2009 06:38:43 AM
Name : Thunderskull 4024
Idea : maybe some sort of Tetriller-like game? (google keywords: Tetriller Gamos Russia) - Tetriller was a russian game with a dude running on the bottom of tetris glass, and whom you need to guide to the side of the glass on certain height. killing the dude with a brick or filling the glass causes the game to end. if bricks form a full horizontal row, they disappear. maybe, you'd make 2 dudes running there to harden the gameplay if you want to.

If I'd not just finished doing a Tetris, this might've been a good idea.
Still, I've got the tetris down to a T (I think?) and maybe in future I'll give this a whirl.
It is a nice game, I've played a version lately ... although.. where, and what, I've no idea!

Thursday 13th of August 2009 06:47:10 AM
Name : Shitterwing
Idea : maybe make AD3 as a LAN MP shooter with support of AD2 maps? or, maybe, Boulder Dash with Blockman sprites? (2 ideas in 1, not to bother you with multiple posts)

AD3 as multiplayer won't exist until I've really bothered to learn the whole multiplayer thing. Can you believe I STILL haven't done that!!?
As for BoulderDash.
I've tried BoulderDash a few times, and generally get the game working, but then can never really think of anything new to bring to the game.
Otherwise it'd basically just be a rubbish boulderdash game with 3 or 4 rubbish levels, and nobody wants that!

Friday 14th of August 2009 05:38:28 AM
Name : Jiro25
Idea : New JNKPlat, plz? (PC or DS it doesn't matter.)

Again?! Folk complained their asses off, last time!!
If I get around to re-learning XNA (forgot all that, now! That was a whole year ago..) then I might give it a whirl on there. Controller-based 2-button jumping seems to keep folk happier than keyboard-based 2-button jumping!

Saturday 15th of August 2009 02:44:49 AM
Name : Thunderskull 4024
Idea : i wish Dig-dog had 3 types of enemies: 2 similar to ones in dig-dug, one being like xonix (creating the soil)


Saturday 15th of August 2009 08:40:36 PM
Name : mindstorm8191
Idea : microbes

?! Microbes !?

Saturday 15th of August 2009 09:18:32 PM
Name : StudioFortress
Idea : make something about cats

It's been a long long while since I made the game with Gabby in. Perhaps another is in order.
I wonder what I'd do, though?

Sunday 16th of August 2009 05:10:17 AM
Name : Thunderskull 4024
Idea : Possibly, expand one of your RP's/quests with fake-3D 1st--person view window? (objects have 2D sheets for angles of view, and those sheets are compiled into a pseudo-3D picture - like it was done in turn-based first-person RPG's)? - that is a good way to begin as a 3D designer, the more you increase the distance of view, the more sheets from different angles you make - the closer you get to being able to make 3D. Try it out on a windowed mod of CoDeMALL or something like that. not a game idea, but it's how you can near 3D-art - by pseudo-3D

CoDeMALL!? Blinkin' eck, someone's been raiding the archives!
I could probably do ok with a fully 3D game, nowadays, but trying to wrangle one together within 7 days! It's a bit tricky!
I'm having fun with cubes in 3D. Pretty much all my games since around about Alien Deathmatch 2 are actually done in a 3D engine, with little sprites on squares swirling around. That's probably why you'd notice occasional random glitches with the transparencies, every now and again. It's the maths not quite being right!
It's trying!
So, I think I'm "getting there", but I wouldn't expect anything magical, in super 3D, any time soon!

Now, a new RPG. That could be do-able..
Just have to come up with something short enough to fit the weekly system..

Monday 17th of August 2009 10:34:05 AM
Name : Thunderskull 4024
Idea : Make all 'toys' in .dat + an exe to run them - to make easier to move gfx/sfx/phys of one 'creature' between games.

Creature!? Wha!?
If I could generate a decent enough scripting system, it might be fun to play around with maybe a character generation system, or something like that..
Instead, what about maybe some Avatars of sorts..
But then I'd have to try to fit them in everywhere.
Might get a bit messy.

Tuesday 18th of August 2009 06:20:39 PM
Name : SomeRandomGuy
Idea : Platdude fighting game with multiple players.

I've considered doing fighting games a lot of times, but I don't really have any decent characters that have any sort of half-assed limbs attached!
If all my characters got into an arena together, they'd have to stand pretty much nose-to-nose before they could even think about hitting each other!

That and the fact that I'd need to draw LOADS of animation, pretty much puts me off the idea!

Saturday 22nd of August 2009 11:00:17 AM
Name : Thunderskull 4024
Idea : another GoForGreen idea! (also, fills a slot in MonkeyMania) - loderunner (which you almost did with aliens), but with very hard levwls, full of dogs (original loderunner enemy replacements) and balls/bullets (part of 'escape' game - Nikita Software, 1995). make monkey to EARN each use of drilling ability - hardens gameplay). As of balls/bullets, monkey will have to jump - so add that ability too. Maybe, instead of putting it into MonkeyMania, make a quest of platform, GravityBob, Loderunner/Lemmings and Flicky-type levels? (with editor being a shareware DS feature). what 'greens' would be in the game? replace average 'gold' with a green fruit. Make the monkey able to buy stuff like drilling, fireballs, etc between levels. maybe, make coconuts (behaving like eggs in Yoshi's Isle - Nintendo, 1995)?. I gave refs to games with certain elements to ease understanding my suggestions. I guess, you better drop Gravity Bob and make it a type of levels in JungleLife (name of this game). Sorry if it's too long for you.

Wheew!!! Calm down!
Ok, first off, monkey eats banana! Not weird-ass Green fruit!

Otherwise, a nice idea, but to be honest.. I'm not 100% sure what's different between "JNKPlat, A bit like Loderunner", and "Munky, A bit like Loderunner"
Perhaps a trial edition, to see who likes it?

Saturday 22nd of August 2009 03:43:51 PM
Name : mosh
Idea : A tower platformer where something is chasing you.

Again, Platdude fills this little quota.
I like the idea of constantly going upwards, and even the chase part.
Whether I could keep it interesting, though. That's the hard part.
Most of the fun in JNKPlat games is the coming back down. Trying to build complex, yet interesting, levels that always go upwards is a lot harder.
If you look at Icy Tower, the fun in that game is in the jumping mechanics. But I wouldn't want to rebuild that game, for a lot of reasons.
1. It was hellafun when it came out.
2. It's STILL hellafun, and you might as well go and play that.
Grab it here

That's it for this time.
More mailbag at another unscheduled random time!
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