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"Get it out of my eye!" Blog
16th October 2009
Socoder Newsletter

          #025 - 16th October 2009
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     ; Hello all
          Post things, people!!

Read Post$

     ; No More Super Show
          RIP, Captain Lou Albano, the wrestler who once
          played Mario before Bob Hoskins completely destroyed
          the role.

     ; Loving the Code!
          What keeps you coding? Is it the feeling of
          accomplishment, the desire to do something
          functional, or the withdrawls when you aren't doing
          any coding?

     ; Redo From Start
          If something works, why would you break it?
          Do you recode something just to make it neater, or
          do you try to make your program run a little faster?

Repeat : Until GameOver

     ; Munky's Block (Jayenkai)
          A previous release of Munky Blocks gave us a Munky
          trying to collect a batch of Blocks. This time,
          he's all alone, trying to save himself from a bunch
          of crazy mazes with only a single block to help him.
     ; Planetoids (JL235)
          A space based puzzle/action game where you must
          guide the flying ships towards the space-station.
          If they fly into the sun (The yellow one's the sun)
          they will die, and the hundreds of people aboard the
          ships will be murdered in a horrible defenceless
          example of over heating.
          Don't worry!
          I'm sure the nearby aliens will find a quick way to
          cool them down.
Goto Links

     ; Give Them Net (HoboBen)
          Finland have decided that every single person in the
          country should have access to the internet, and have
          declared that there should be a 1Mbps connection
          available to all.

     ; Parallelolinks (JL235)
          A batch of links, all about the pros and cons of
          trying to make something work on parallel processors
          and dual cores, and all of that.
     ; Science vs ME (HoboBen)
          A batch of scientists might have found the cause of
          ME, which usually means they can figure out more
          about how to cure things. Fingers crossed!

Syntax Error

     ; Game Environment Sketch
          Beautiful stuff from Cower..
          Absolutely gorgeous image.

     ; Blocks and Queues (Cower)
          Baffling stuff from Cower..
          Beyond me, I haven't a clue!

For n=1 to 7

     ; Top 7 Pollers (last week's position)
          (^ 5) 100 Nolan
          (^ x) 100 9572AD
          (> 3) 095 mole
          (^ 7) 095 spinal
          (V 1) 085 redmoth
          (^ x) 080 magicman
          (V 4) 065 JL235
          (V 2) 065 shroom_monk

     ; Last Week's Poll Results

-- Which is Better?
---- Total votes : 21
------ 47% : Shaun of the Dead
------ 14% : Night of the Living Dead
------ 14% : Night of the Giving Head
------ 9% : Dawn of the Dead
------ 9% : House of the Dead
------ 4% : DOTD Remake
------ 0% : NOTLD Remake

-- Which is Better?
---- Total votes : 21
------ 47% : Comedy
------ 42% : Sci-fi
------ 4% : Drama
------ 4% : Blockbuster
------ 0% : Adult

-- What do you say first in the Mudchat?
---- Total votes : 18
------ 22% : Hey
------ 16% : Hello
------ 16% : 'ello
------ 16% : Hi
------ 16% : lo
------ 5% : Hiya
------ 5% : yo

-- Which is Worse?
---- Total votes : 17
------ 52% : Not having time to fix it
------ 29% : Not Having a Poll
------ 17% : Sidebars work oddly

-- Which is the most fun?
---- Total votes : 17
------ 29% : Designing the Game
------ 23% : Building the Engine
------ 23% : Building the Game
------ 17% : Testing!
------ 5% : AI work
------ 0% : Drawing the Art
------ 0% : Doing the music
------ 0% : Network Stuff

-- Are you psychic?
---- Total votes : 17
------ 41% : No
------ 29% : Bananas
------ 23% : I knew you would ask that
------ 5% : You're thinking of Cats
------ 0% : Yes

-- What else are you doing, right now?
---- Total votes : 17
------ 29% : Just Online
------ 29% : Listening ot Music
------ 17% : Watching TV
------ 11% : At Work
------ 5% : Coding
------ 5% : At School
------ 0% : Chatting Online
------ 0% : Eating
Competition of the Week

     It finally ended last night, although at the minute
     the website shows absolutely no clues that that's
     actually happened.
     If you're keeping track, the guys from Socoder that
     may or may not have entered are..
     JL235, Jayenkai and possibly Afr0 (not sure)
     I wonder how many more have entered?

Why Not Try...

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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - "Get it out of my eye!" - AGameAWeek