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Y2:W10 - Yip! Blog
20th October 2009
Prepare for disappointment!

This week's been a bit of a disaster, really.
I started with Arcade Slots, and actually managed to get quite far into it, but eventually realised there wasn't anything new to add to the mix. So that got scrapped.
After that came a brand new Blockman graphic style, which was far too angled, and resulted in the maze being completely obscured. No good!

So, after those two, you'd think I'd suddenly come up gold. Third time lucky, right?


Yip consists of a little dog. Run along and catch all the frisbies, then pop your best score onto the highscore table.
And that's about it.

Oh well.
Never mind.

Better game next week!

You can Download Yip Here.

AGAW Scoring
10 weeks, 10 games, still on top but hopefully a better game next week! You can't win 'em all.
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