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Pathfinding for Arrows Blog
30th October 2009
Like I suggested yesterday, those one-way arrows could lead to some serious deadends, so rather than allowing the game to plonk them down willy-nilly, I've brought back Path Mode's AI.

Path Mode will work the way it used to, a trail of dots leading to an eventual deadend..
But we'll also be using it to find paths for the arrows.
Find a path, pick 4 or 5 points at random, add the arrows.
Nice and simple.

Of course, if you leave all the arrows in, it does get a little bit hectic.

Don't worry, there won't be that many arrows ingame!
Things will be vaguely sensible!

Not added Boulders yet, so I'm going to go and do that next.
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Blog - Pathfinding for Arrows - AGameAWeek