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AGameAWeek Gold - Munky in a Mario Costume
16th March 2013
A little late, today. Sorry about that, folks! Yesterday, SpikeDislike2 was FREE in the AppStore. I might've actually forgotten to post about that, here. um.. sorry!! If any of my regulars missed it, lemmie know. Anyway, with all the SD2 stuff, I've spent quite a lot of time this morning analyzing stats, and graphs, and reviews, and everything else. I was so busy, in fact, that I forgot about AGameAWeek Gold! Whoopsy!! -=-=- 2010 - Munky in a Mario CostumeA bog-standard platform game, for part of 2010's Month of Mario! This time, Munky has a wander around a Mario-Underground themed arena, trying to collect as many of the coins as he can before he runs out of lives. Is it possible to get them all? Probably. I haven't ever managed it, but I did test that each coin was collectable. .. it's just tricky to do it without dying! Simple platforming fun with a Munky. You can Download Munky in a Mario Costume here, for Windows, MacOSX or Linux. Views 39, Upvotes 13
Agameaweek Gold
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