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Socoder weekly newsletter #031
27th November 2009
Socoder Newsletter -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Bonus Round" #031 - 27th November 2009   https://groups.google.com/group/socoder-newsletter Tell all your friends! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ; Hello all #31, and we're starting to add extra juicy bits. It might be taking me longer to pad it all out each week, but it's certainly gotten a little bit bulkier with this week's additions. I've now started to add a list of games from two of my favourite indie game collections. And they're not just my favourites because they've featured my games... Oh no.. That would be very biased! This week.. Nobody entered Wednesday Workshop #228, which was all about making a Beach based game! socoder.net/?topic=1785 Nobody wants to enter Wednesday Workshop #229, which is about making a game using only lines and rects! socoder.net/?topic=1795 Afr0 continued to post his C++ class, but everyone was apparently too busy to answer anything. socoder.net/?topic=1793 And the mudchat got a chatlog! socoder.net/chatlog.php New theme.. /look, but don't chat! -=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Read Post$ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ; Making 3D Lovelyness Flying_Cucco wants to know what's best, and CHEAP for making some lovely 3D models. He seems to have settled on Milkshape to do it. What's your opinion? socoder.net/?topic=1791 ; Leaving Blitz3D behind. Jayenkai's stuck in a rut, and wants to know what else he can try. After a lot of back and forth, he now has to choose between BlitzMax, Flash and GLBasic. .. Which is pretty much the same decision he had about 6 months ago. D'oh! socoder.net/?topic=1798 ; Getting it Done Have you been working on any big projects lately? And if so, how long do you have until it's all done? Apparently, there's not a lot of coding going on! socoder.net/?topic=1794 ; PHP? Why is everyone using PHP? Isn't there something better out there? What's wrong with using PHP, anyway!? socoder.net/?topic=1792 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Repeat : Until GameOver -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now with added bonus content! >> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> Socoder Games >> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ; Munky Blocks DS (Jayenkai) The most awesomest block based puzzle game with a munky, ever, has been lovingly recreated for the DS. I even redrew munky, and everything!! socoder.net/?showcase=21136 >> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> Moshboy's Obscure Games >> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stolen Content Ahead!! SlumLord27/Moshboy has been creating a great big list of obscure indie games for the past few months. Since we're desperate for content I figured I might as well start linking to his YouTubeyness. ; #56 - I Love You Guide the Worm! www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKopaKfAl1A ; #57 - The Sad, Sad Fish shooter with magical soundtrack www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD3-f14Spk8 ; #58 - Coldgearz Scrolling platform shooter, with exploding enemy! www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_OgOTIyVZs ; #59 - MageX Win by making platforms! www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAAMarJ3A48 ; #60 - Deep Magic Wizardy platformer www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se-hE9-AKCI >> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- >> Pixel Prospector's Games >> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- More Stolen Content Ahead!! Authentic Kaizen (Pixel Prospector) has also been rounding up indie games. His angle is "Games which look great, but aren't quite done yet." He's even gone so far as building an entire website dedicated to his quest of bringing new indie games to the front of people's attention. www.pixelprospector.com/indev/ Here's this week's latest stuff, but remember that not all of the games at InDev are playable yet! ; Spud's Quest Dizzy like adventure bit.ly/PPGames_Spud ; SuperTux Mario with the Linux penguin bit.ly/PPGames_SuperTux ; Lollipop Ate My Donuts Cute retro platformer bit.ly/PPGames_Lollipop ; Pesky Plumber An upcoming Mario beat-em-up The screenshots are only mockups, right now, but the spritesheets at least look promising! bit.ly/PPGames_Plumber ; Twin Gunner Platform Shooter with lovely big sprites! bit.ly/PPGames_TwinGun ; Zombie Games Low res arena shooter with zombies!! bit.ly/PPGames_Zombie -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goto Links -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ; Crazy man tries not to break fingers (Spinal) A Shaolin Monk who is so "zen", he can stand on two fingers, and apparently not break them!! socoder.net/?link=21174 ; Iwata Asks : Mario! (Jayenkai) More of the ever popular Iwata Asks interviews, where Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata asks key Nintendo personel about the things that they make. It's like a Super Development chat! Loads of interesting facts about the history of Mario in this one. socoder.net/?link=21152 ; Socoderations (Jayenkai) Type in a short word, and have Wordoid generate a batch of new words that contain the short word, but may or may not have domain names available. Great for making names for your games! socoder.net/?link=21150 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Syntax Error -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ; Texture Building (Realtime) Draw a pattern, run it through this program, and out pops a lovely repeating pattern that you can use for textures, or website backgrounds. Great stuff! socoder.net/?showcase=21133 ; Twips! (Spinal) Measuring 2D pixels within 3D space is a great big pain in the ass, mostly because modern graphics card very handily smooth everything into a great big horrible smooshy mess of splodges. Thanks! socoder.net/?blogs=21098 ; How many Days (HoboBen) How many days are inbetween date#1, and date#2? Now you can find out with HoboBen's amazing date finding function, in PHP! Hoboben must've taken AGES to do this! I wonder how many days it took him? socoder.net/?snippet=21179 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Random Youtube Videos -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtM0-ZFwiNo www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGU0V8Xec4E www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4IC7qaNr7I ------------------- Load, Next List Views 41, Upvotes 16
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