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AGameAWeek Gold - Who Save Spider!
8th May 2013
Every day, AGameAWeek Gold takes a peek through the inexplicably large collection of releases, and digs out any old games that I've previously released on this day in history.
Occasionally there aren't any. I'm not fast enough to have that many! But other times, there's more than one! How odd! -=-=- 2008 - Who SaveDoctor Who had been back on our screens for a few years, and as much as I tried to find a decent Who-based time-vortex screensaver, there never seemed to be a half decent one, so I took the plunge and attempted to make something vaguely half decent myself. Considering I'm pretty lame at 3D stuff, it didn't exactly turn out as bad as I expected! Features.. Time Vortex Tunnel Swirly Colours Shitty looking TARDIS Photo loading for Slideshow mode! Awesome stuff! It's nothing major, just a silly little play thing. You can Download Who Save here for Windows. .... Not "gamey" enough for you? 2008 - SpiderSpider was released on the same day! How odd! Spider (or rather, Spider2) is a remake/recreation of one of the original demo source example things that comes with BlitzBasic. (Although I can't remember if it was BlitzBasic or Blitz3D..? Maybe it was both!?) I took the time to recreate it, added music and sounds, and an online scoreboard too. Great stuff. A terrible game to attempt with a Trackpad, though. Be sure you have a Mouse!! ... or are really quick with a trackpad! You can Download Spider here for Windows. Views 72, Upvotes 19
Agameaweek Gold
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