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AGameAWeek Gold - TetriPong
25th August 2013
It's been a while since I did an AGameAWeek Gold.
There's not been a lot of stand-out stuff popping up on the old time-machine. Sure there's been a whole pile of games, but nothing that's really been noteworthy, so for the most part I've kind of been ignoring this section of the site. Today, however, a lovely little game popped up, and I spent a good hour playing the thing! Whoops!! -=-=- 2009 - TetriPongI'm actually surprised that this game is only actually 4 years old! A game which takes Tetris and adds Pong. At it heart is a good old-fashioned Gameboy-Tetris styled Tetris engine. I tried my best to make it a good proper solid engine, and it's stood the test of time. On top of that is a flailing Pong ball which destroys your game, and a slowly raising water level which will kill you if it reaches the top. The best part is, of course, that you can turn all of that off, and still play a perfectly good tetris clone. Good stuff You can Download TetriPong here for Windows. Just be sure to use the Escape button to quit!! Views 79, Upvotes 21
Agameaweek Gold
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