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OUYA! Blog
9th November 2013
OK, I'll admit it, I'm enjoying the OUYA.

You can keep up with all my OUYA games here. There's currently 5 of them, and there's oodles more to come!



OUYA Games So Far


Fly through the Space Lanes and destroy everything you can!

Hoppy Bobby

Try to get as far as you can by carefully hopping your way from platform to platform.

Blockman Gets Hungry

Don't Not Eat!


The ever popular game of extreme avoidance.

NeonPlat Raw

Smash the bad guys with your massive balls.


I thought about buying one for a long time, and just as I was about to buy one, the whole bucketload of bad-vibes started to appear online, with @S0phieH having a massive argument with them, and most of the Indie scene deciding it was all a terrible idea, and that Team OUYA were doing an awful job of things.

On the flipside of the coin, @Spinal_Cord had just bought his, and appeared to be having quite a bit of fun with it.

It took another couple of months before I finally opted to give things a go, and oddly I seemed to buy one at the exact same time as a whole bunch of other Indie devs, like @CaffeineKid and a number of other Monkey forum users.
Mark Sibly had thankfully worked on a number of OUYA specific additions to Monkey, including specific controller-button code, as well as an OUYA specific target, and with just a few tweaks I managed to get everything up and running on my Framework.
Over the space of the past few weeks, I've successfully managed to get 5 games up and running on the OUYA system, passed through reviews, and into the console's "Sandbox" area.

The review stage is one of the great things throughout this whole experience. The games ARE actually reviewed! By real people, and everything!
Unlike Apple's usual replies which word things professionally, and withing certain parameters, quoting rulebook guidelines, the OUYA people are people, and will happily reply with actual words and things that are readable!

Yesterday I submitted Karl's Tiny Adventure, which was swiftly rejected.
Seemed an odd game to reject, but the review gave a perfectly valid reason.

"The air meter continues to go down while on the pause screen (which as you could imagine could be heartbreaking for someone who had gotten far and needed a break.)"

Given that I originally released this game in March (Playable here) and that every other version has exactly the same issue, I'm gobsmacked that nobody else has commented on it.
I do tend to leave quirky issues in my Pause-screen.. It's a strange complication that comes from trying to have a realtime-pause system that swooshes and swoops about the place, keeping the gameplay arena going in the background.
Over the past few months, I've had bullets continue, baddies shooting you whilst paused, timers running out, and more.
I tend not to pause my games very often, so barely ever notice these kinds of bugs, but with fresh eyes, "Team OUYA" seem to be picking up on all these niggling little bugs.
And I'm glad they are, because as well as making for a great system, with some cracking games, it's also making me double check more and more of my coding style/gameplay elements.

Karl's been tweaked and re-uploaded, and should be popping up on OUYA some time on Monday.. I think.. Maybe.. Assuming they allow it through review!
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