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AGameAWeek Gold : Bonus : Star Trek Pong - Amiga!
28th November 2013
Yet another case of AGameAWeek Gold being strangely interconnected with other events in my life!!
Today, I posted about Star Trek Pong 3 earlier today, and it got me thinking about the even older Amiga edition. Curiously, I also recently purchased a USB Capture device for my PC. I wanted to output all my consoles and computers through my PC's monitor. It has a HDMI port, but a Scart->HDMI device seemed a little pricey. Being the cheapskate that I am, I instead settled for a Capture device, which basically means I now get all my gaming through my PC, but can also capture it, too, which is a lovely little bonus.-=-=- So, not only do I have access to the old Amiga Star Trek Pong, I also have a method of screengrabbing it! So, without further ado, I give to you.. Star Trek Pong : The Next Generation! And for those who can be bothered, The Amiga ADF Disk File! As for exactly when this was created, I've no idea, but some time between 1995 and 1997, give or take.. I never had a battery-backed clock in my barebones Amiga 600, so none of my files have any dates on them. Sorry!! Views 95, Upvotes 15
Agameaweek Gold
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