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Back to work... Blog
16th December 2007
The whole Gabby Gets a Turkey (logo on last week's post) game is being scrapped due to bizarre scale issues!? A white cat in white snow is a nice idea, except when you realise that a 16x16 pixel head is going to need a huge non-existant body behind it!? The whole thing just felt really odd, and I decided to just scrap it instead.

I know that the Drunken Coders people hate entries that are "X game + Xmassy theme added on later", and I came up with the Gabby game so's it definitely didn't feel like a tacked on theme.? ? That didn't work out, and for some reason (probably "18 games in 3 weeks" related) I'm all out of ideas.

So, if I want to do something for their compo, I'm going to have to go the "Tacked on" route, no matter what.? And if I'm going to do the whole "Tacked on" thing, I might as well do it in a way that most people would still enjoy.

JNKPlat + Xmas = JNKPlat : Xmas Escapades

Not sure exactly how to make everything super-xmassy, but there'll be presents involved somewhere along the line!

In the meantime I've added the first plus_mode to the? collection, with Invaders now occasionally dropping down ala Galaga.? I'm about to start adding some powerups, but am unsure what sort of powerups to add..? I think Double+Triple shots might be TOO powerful..? Hmm..
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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
(c) Jayenkai 2023 and onwards, RSS feed 75

Blog - Back to work... - AGameAWeek