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Activity! Blog
23rd April 2015
Bah, it's Thursday, already, and I've still not gotten a proper start on this next game.
You know what, this whole "Gap Year" thing... .. It's not working out, is it?
Instead of coding with a vague deadline, I'm spending every day doing nothing, relaxing, and generally being a lazy bum.
I'm supposed to be working on SOMETHING, but instead I've watched an entire season of Castle over the past few days. And this is roughly how my days are going, lately.
TV watching, resting, playing Words With Friends, and generally being a lazy Munky.

Gap Year was intended to help me achieve larger games, and try new things. Instead it's helped me waste day after day, and get next to nothing done.
I need a new plan.

I'm currently doing a Daily Platdude Pixelart (see here) which is going well, so I figured if that can happen daily, then other stuff might as well get thrown in, too.
As of tomorrow morning, whenever I post the Daily Platdude Pixelart, I'm also going to try to write a Daily Blog.. I've attempted Daily Blogging on MANY previous occasions, and they usually go well for a day or two, then get forgotten about. But this time, I'm already setting aside an hour or so each morning to do the Daily Pixelarts. .. If I use up the remaining time to blog, every single morning, then I might actually end up making something decent out of the whole thing.
And, hopefully, I'll force myself into actually DOING something during the rest of the day, so that I've actually got something to write about in the morning.
Or at least, that's the plan, anyway.

If you'd like to help out, you can head here.. It's the new improved Suggestion Box. Feel free to pop any random crap into the box, be it a pure game suggestion, an improvement to an old game, a bug report, or just a lovely message. Anything goes, and I'll add it's output to my daily blog, assuming I get any posts!!

So, there we go.. That's the plan.
Tomorrow I'll start a daily blog, and we'll see where that takes us.

AGameAWeek : Year 7 : Attempt #4?!
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Daily Blog
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Site credits : PHP script, Blog posts, Games, Music, Pixelart, Poems and More : Jayenkai
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