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Y7 - D115 : Solitude Blog
25th April 2015


Not an awful lot of stuff got done, yesterday, as I was having a bit of an off-day! Ho hum.. They're frequent, so expect a fair number of Daily Blogs to be of the "Couldn't do anything!" variety.
Still, I did bother to grab the iPad, load up Sprite Something, and doodle some sprites for the new game.
I drew a ship, a number of weapons, and some enemies, before heading over to Windows and getting them all integrated into the game.
It didn't take very long at all, but it does indeed make a nice change from seeing all those blinkin' circles everywhere.

Next up will be putting the enemies into the game, and figuring out some kind of level progression/objective. (Which, IIRC, was yesterday's goal!)


Daily Doodle : Solitude

Platdude is alone on the bridge, this time. Last time he was stood on a bridge, his old pal Dizzy was with him. Today, he simply contemplates whether he should buy a giant mansion with over 100 rooms, fully kitted out, complete with maids, butlers and a chef, or whether he should instead spend the money on an Apple Watch.


Today's mail comes from Afr0, at

Testing, testing...

Since this suggestion will probably get used at, I'd like to suggest that you build a browser-based Platdude MMO for visitors of the site.

Thank you!


Well, Afr0, as much fun as it would be to make a "Platdude" MMO, I'm not sure there's enough variety in Platdude's life to make it worthwhile. Sure, he likes to collect items, and as we've seen in Daily Doodles, he's not adverse to putting in the effort, wearing silly outfits, and getting his hands (/blocks) dirty.
But Platdude isn't the world's greatest character, if that's all you ever see within a giant MMO. You'd get sick of the sight of him.
Instead, a full "JNKMMO" would probably work better, with an entire cast of JNK-Game characters, and the wild and varied world in which they live.
That would be better.
.. It would also be harder to make. A LOT harder!
Add to that the fact that this server's not exactly coping well with the 300+ games that it's already hosting, and I think we've got a fairly large number of issues to contend with.

Some day, I WOULD like to make a server-based online-only "experience", and have in fact had a particular game in mind for a LONG long time.. but now's probably not the best time.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D115 : Solitude - AGameAWeek