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Y7 - D116 : Boot the Mac Blog
26th April 2015


Not a lot of coding got done, yesterday. I continued to fiddle with the new sprites, and got enemies spawning in the level, but then I started thinking about iOS again.
For the past year I've been focussing on OUYA. I've been making all my games controller happy, and as a result, have been neglecting touchscreen controls. I'm not sure why, probably all the AppleWatch stuff that's currently flooding my Twitter feed, but I'm finding myself somewhat nostalgic for the times that I struggled to come up with nice touchscreen based control schemes.
But in order to release onto iOS, I first need to get my Mac up to speed.

Since it's been sat completely neglected for much of the past year, I knew that it wouldn't be a simple case of "Turn on, Compile!" like it should be with Monkey.
Instead, after powering up the Mac Mini for the first time in about a year, I first had to install a complete new OS upgrade (since I hadn't yet installed Yosemite) as well as upgrading XCode.
After a good 4 or 5 hours of mostly waiting, everything had finished installing, and the system was ready to start having to deal with certificates and permissions and all the other gubbins.
.. The system was, but I wasn't! After 4 hours of mostly waiting, I was ready for a sleep.

Today I'll probably faff about some more with the thing, and try out a compilation or two, to see if the system still even works at a suitable speed. The ludicrously tiny 2Gb of memory isn't helping much!


Daily Doodle : Level Editing

More manual labour for Platdude, as he goes out filling up a bit of the landscape with some soil.
Quite where he's getting the soil, I'm not sure, but he definitely isn't stealing it. Platdude wouldn't do that!


Today's mail comes from OUYA fan timmytot666

I had an idea for a platformer where you jump to go down and you fall to move up in order to traverse the levels.


Aaah, the upside-down platformer concept. I'll admit that I've not played as much with Gravity as I probably should've.
Every time I consider doing altered gravity, I tend to want to overdo it, adding in complete physics based rotational gravity, and then the game inevitably spirals out of control, until I eventually give up with it entirely!
This has happened FAR more times than I'd care to mention. I have multiple gravity-test games, dating way back to 2003, where you tried to collide a ball around inside a squiggly test area.
It didn't get much farther than that test, and I haven't yet learned that doing that kind of thing is stupidly overcomplex.
Maybe I should keep it simple, and just do something plain and upside down!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.


In this video, about how utterly shit the OUYA is (which it ins't, by the way), our intrepid reporters start their review of Shitty OUYA games by selecting my recent space-fighter Futurino.
They begin by complaining about how utterly shit the graphics are.
About 7 minutes later, they continue to complain about how utterly shit the graphics are, because they can't honestly find anything else wrong with the game.
.. They begin helping each other out "Go down for the green one!" and generally enjoy the gameplay within.
Fact : If you can get past my utterly shit graphics, you'll find a great collection of games within the world of AGameAWeek.

Thanks to Warzard at OUYAForum for bringing this to my attention.
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Blog - Y7 - D116 : Boot the Mac - AGameAWeek