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Y7 - D117 : Sleepy Sunday Blog
27th April 2015


Yesterday, I took the phrase "Sleepy Sunday" and worked the heck out it.
My cat woke me up at 6:15am, and I managed to stay mostly awake until just after 9, when I realised I was too tired to code, and instead went for a nap..
.. A long nap!!
I also had a second nap later in the day, too.
I suppose when you have little/nothing else to do, especially on a Sunday, that there's no harm in having a short nap. But when you have TWO naps, and they're not exactly short ones, you're pretty much wasting the day away.

As a result, not much code-wise happened yesterday. I did get the bullets hitting the bad guys, and balanced out the sheer chaos a little bit, but otherwise the game hasn't really been touched.

I did, however, doodle a few icons, which may or may not make it into a future game's menu system. I'm still unsure how that particular game is going to flow, but it's "The Big One" on the backburner, and these icons should at least help. .. I hope! Maybe..


Daily Doodle : Friendship

Today, Platdude heads outside to check on his pet whatever-it-is. (Pretty sure that's not a dog!)
He seems quite a nice little pet.
Maybe he should name it? Send any name suggestions to the Mailbag!


Today's mail comes from SoCoder regular, Steve Ancell. Steve says..

I suggest a platformer game, starring Platdude rushing around changing litebulbz

Steve Ancell

A game with lights really requires an engine with lighting! Monkey-X (The language I'm currently using) can achieve fake lighting, through Alphas and things (I recently used this in Invisible Munky 2) but it won't do nice shadows or other darkness type things, which is a bit of a shame.
I'm still fiddling with faux-lighting things, and as soon as I've something nice to show off, you'll be sure to hear about it.

Meanwhile, for Xmas 2007, Platdude went around switching on Xmas lights, which is a fairly similar idea.. But the organisers of the competition where the game was entered, suggested that his game was too hard
Similarly, Platdude Turns on Xmas was an idea recreated as part of Platdude's first outing on OUYA.
So, the idea's sort of been played with, but not to the extent that I'd like. Perhaps the next proper JNKPlat game will feature more lighting elements?

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D117 : Sleepy Sunday - AGameAWeek