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Y7 - D118 : Go Slow Blog
28th April 2015


My laptop's been running slow, sluggish, juddery and .. generally BAD, since some time yesterday, and as much as I hunt the system, I'm struggling to find the reason why.
I think it might have something to do with Windows noticing the Mac on the network, and freaking out, thinking it's going to be replaced!
.. Acting all slow and useless isn't going to get you extra loving, Windows! Learn how to show off your skills, and act like a proper computer!!

Even as I type today's blog, there's stuttering on the screen. This is really rather bad, as far as slowdown goes.
As per usual, bringing up Task Manager only reveals the same issue that it always shows.. That Windows Modules Installer is being shit again.

Gee, thanks for being so descriptive, Microsoft. That helps :
So, for the past day and a half, I've been trying to track this down. I'm still no closer to finding the issue, but it seems to have started some time after that MASSIVE update that came through a couple of days ago.

Anyway, I managed to add some sound effects to "StarFlips" yesterday, and played through a number of levels.
To be honest, I'm slightly bored with the game, and I don't mean in a "Bored of coding it" way. In fact, the game itself is rather boring and uneventful.
As a result, I'm seriously considering scrapping the project, and moving on to something else.

.. I'm doing that a lot, this year. Usually I release any old crap, and see what you guys think, but in this case I don't think you'd want to bother with it.
It's bland, uninteresting, and not much happens.


Daily Doodle : Snowman

Every day, @Pixelarf posts a random squiggly thing, and it's up to other folk to fill it in, and make something interesting out of it.
Today's squiggle left me stumped for quite a while, and only after a few scrapped doodles, did this snowman emerge.
It's not that great, and much like "StarFlips", I could do better.
.. Today's not going very well at all, really, is it!?


Today's mail comes from SoCoder regular Spinal

Get back to doing some CSS for your site and have a nice happy mobile version!


Yeah, I should probably reorganise this site a little. I did say, when I started the Daily Blog, that I could do with fixing it up a bit, and it really does need fixing.
As for a "Mobile Edition", however, I'm dead against those. Sites should work. Mobiles are powerful enough to render proper websites and have been for a long time. IMO, there's no need to reduce the functionality of a website, in a silly attempt to make mobile users more comfortable.

.. But, yeah, I do need to rejig the site. Stay Tuned!!

Meanwhile, Spinal also sent suggestions for names for Platdude's pet.

Surely Platdudes dog would be called either Platdog or Spike!


Of course! Spike! The perfect name!!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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Site credits : Jayenkai, one crazy fool who has far too much time on his hands.
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Blog - Y7 - D118 : Go Slow - AGameAWeek