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Y7 - D120 : Site Issues.. Blog
30th April 2015


Yesterday, someone new registered on my home village's website (
They, of course, instantly forgot their password, so used the "I forgot my password" button to find it out.

At this point I should probably explain why I've mentioned this..!
About a year ago, the original owner of gave up paying for a site that never had any visitors. He stopped payments, and the site fell into disrepair before eventually getting pulled down completely.
At this point, being the type of person who doesn't like seeing good domain names go to waste, I opted to take control.
I paid for the domain, paid for hosting, and got things up and running as soon as I possibly could.

After a while, spambots took control of the bog-standard phpBB script, and in a desperate attempt to quench them all, I took down the old forum, and replaced the entire thing with my own code.'s script was hacked and slashed to generate an all new

The site remains up and running, and is moderately stable and spambot free.

.. Which brings us back to yesterday.
So far, nobody had used the "I forgot my password" link, mostly because there's only actually 6 registered users. (OMG, it's SO quiet!!!)

Yesterday, when the newest member clicked the link, I was immediately alerted to a very very minor issue.
The fact that I'd hacked and slashed the code from meant that, far from the user getting a "You forgot your password!" email, they instead got a "You forgot your password!" email, and all the links were broken, and everything was just plain wrong!


Five hours later, after scouring through hundreds of .php files, I think I managed to track down all references to Socoder, and changed them to Little Lever!
This pretty much killed any/all coding I'd intended to do, yesterday, but at least it was a fun little adventure, digging through old code and making lots of tweaks.

Perhaps, in the future, I should make 99% of those things a single easily-changeable variable.
.. That would be the sensible thing to do!


Daily Doodle : Feeding the Kiwi

Today, Platdude visited the Zoo, and took some lovely green munchies for his Kiwi pal to nibble at.
Later, the two of them jumped onto a floating balloon, and headed off into the sunset together!
Fluffy Kiwis


Today's lengthy mail comes from Twitterere @sciburns

Here's a game idea: you start off at level 3 (or something) with crap gear (armour/weapons/whatevs). In the world there are bad guys at your level, below your level, and above your level. When you kill someone below your level, you get their gear (which might be better than yours even if they're a lower level). The only way to level up is to kill someone a higher level than you - when you do that, you become their level. But the trouble is that the higher level guys have waaay better stats than you, so your only chance is to get a load of really good gear, or develop a really good fighting strategy. (A good and complex fighting mechanic would make this more interesting, rather than just a loot grind).

Jimi (@sciburns)

A sort of RPG-meets-Platformer scenario.
A nice enough idea, and probably one that could potentially work well enough, as long as there was enough things to keep it entertaining, as well as difficult.

The main problem I have with AGameAWeek, is trying to find a balance between making lots of elements, whilst simultaneously sticking to a short timescale.
Your suggestion would require oodles of enemy sprites, as well as a way of displaying how much tougher they are.
I'm not sure it's suited to a short timescale, without stripping it down to something simple like "Each enemy has a health bar", or something ridiculous like that.

But it's a nice concept, and perhaps something to think about in future.
It's been added to my StickyNotes list, as "Higher = Tougher", and will probably get used somewhere in the future.
Thanks for the idea!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D120 : Site Issues.. - AGameAWeek