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Y7 - D125 : Loveheart Blog
5th May 2015


That might change at some point in the future. For now, it'll do as it is.
It only appears once, right at the start, anyway.. So it's not going to keep cropping up all the time.
Lazy and cheap, but it gets the point across.
There's going to be a lot of love crammed in to SpikeDislike3!

.. Even if it does look exactly the damn same!


Daily Doodle : Chutin'

Platdude has a leisurely glide above the forest. Where will he land? Probably near some cows, or sheep, because there doesn't appear to be anybody else down there!


Today's mail comes from another anonymous person. (Possibly the same person as yesterday!)

make a roguelike!

Perhaps. Whenever I start with the intention, I usually get sidetracked and end up with something entirely different. (To be fair, that's true of 95% of my projects!!)
The closest I've gotten so far is probably Greenie's Mini Quest, which turned out nice and "dungeon"-esque, but then became more about just collecting the buttock-load of keys that I stupidly left in the game.
There were WAY too many collectables, and nowhere near enough ways to die!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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Blog - Y7 - D125 : Loveheart - AGameAWeek