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Y7 - D144 : More Menu! Blog
24th May 2015


Just when you think you're done with your menu system, you suddenly realise you've not got any options on the titlescreen!


An hour or so later, and I'd half-wrangled old code with new, to produce a button that when tapped, opens up the old Options menu nice and quickly.
The menu also works when you hit the B or U button on the keyboard, or when you hit a shoulder button on your gamepad. (Assuming I coded those properly, 2.5 years ago..)

For reference, N or O on your keyboard, or the right shoulder button, should open the Scoreboard panel, too.
I'm probably not going to remember to tell you that, anywhere else, so be sure to lodge it away in the back of your mind for future reference! Although, if you're playing on PC, you're more likely to click the buttons, so keyboard controls aren't all that important.

Lots of testing required to ensure all the buttons and gizmos work as they're supposed to, so I didn't have much time for anything else important.
Oooh, except I did also format my old MacMini and order myself a new one, but it's a Bank Holiday Weekend, so we won't see the results of that for a good few days.


Daily Doodle : Time's Nearly Up

Platdude wants his teammate to guess the phrase, but he's far too dumb to even hazard a guess, and the timer's nearly ran out.
Come on, you idiot! Guess!!


Today, the mailbag is completely bone dry.
There is no mail left in the mailbag, so this entire section of the daily blog is going to be left to sit about, and do nothing important.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D144 : More Menu! - AGameAWeek