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Y7 - D146 : Gah, Twitter!! Blog
26th May 2015

Twitter Rant

This morning, I'm battling with Twitter.
A short while ago, Twitter introduced a new "Easy to use!" way to reply to things, which is less messy and leaves more space for your reply. Essentially, the "New Reply" strips away everybody's @names, leaving just a single link back to the previous post.
In many ways, this is a nice thing, as when you're in the middle of a conversation with 5 or 6 people, it can typically leave about 3 characters for your reply to fit in!!
But there are two ever-so-slight issues with this new method.

First, it completely breaks "Conversation View", as they haven't bothered to fix that so that it takes into account the new format of tweets.
Secondly, it breaks DIFFERENTLY depending on your client.
Now, I complained about this on Twitter yesterday, and got people suggesting that it's because I was using the "Rubbish, Outdated Tweetbot App", but this morning I switched over to the OFFICIAL iPad app, and.. well..

The official iPad app isn't showing the "New Replies" AT ALL..
This basically means I NEED to use the WebApp to check for all replies.
And since I now have 9 Twitter accounts, and the crappy WebApp only allows one login at a time, it also means I need to log in, and out, and in, and out, and in, and out, over and over again, just to check for any replies in any of my different accounts.

I have to admit, even for Twitter, that's taking the smeg..
It's bad enough that their stupid "Upload a GIF!" thing is completely broken on other clients, and that their "Handy! Upload more than one picture!" thing is similarly bodged on other clients. I used to think they've been purposely outpacing other clients, just to break compatibility and hopefully get rid of them all.
But this time it's different.
This time, they haven't even got the flaming thing to work on THEIR OWN CLIENT.

If you're going to start introducing new features, make damn sure that they actually work, first!

FFS, Twitter..



I didn't get an awful lot done, yesterday. I spent a lot of time trying to bundle a Mac Mini into a box, trying to re-arrange my network, and faffing about with my new TV.
You wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) how complicated it is having two routers on the same network!!
Absolute chaos.

Anyway, once that was mostly working, I spent some time fiddling with the "Game Over" screen, which now shows slightly more descriptive labels at the end of rounds, like "You Won!" or "Sheepy Won!" at the end of Sheep Race levels.
It took a fair amount of tweaking to ensure the results were showing up correctly, and of course, I had a blast playing the levels over and over and over and over again!

Daily Doodle : Entertainment

Platdude juggles for Platking. Platking is happy!


Today's mail comes from SoCoder regular Rychan

What sort of games wouldn't you try to make?


Although I do try to do a lot of things, you'll probably have noticed that I tend to stick to either Platformer, Puzzler or Shoot-em-up. These are the flavours of game that I enjoy, and can continue to enjoy whilst they "grow".
Things like RPGs, JRPGs, MMORPGs, I tend not to enjoy so much, so as I attempt to create them I become increasingly bored with the project, and it inevitably ends up being a bit rubbish as a result.
I also try not to tackle Racing games that often, either. I find Racing AI to be difficult to do. I can easily make the perfect driver that will beat you every time you play, but it's much harder to get a driver that plays as a real player would play. As a result, I stay clear of that genre, unless I'm absolutely sure I can pull off a decent AI.

The other major thing I try to avoid is "Online Play". This is mostly a result of the speed of my development. It's hard to stress test a multiplayer online component when you're sat alone coding a game a week on a single Laptop!
I keep meaning to get around to working on some form of online integration, but.. That never seems to happen :

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D146 : Gah, Twitter!! - AGameAWeek