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Y7 - D147 : Revisited Blog
27th May 2015


A lot of yesterday was spent fiddling about with new Challenges. In actuality, I only ended up adding one single challenge type, but I also spent a LONG time ensuring that the challenge was indeed do-able.
I'm going to be honest, and say that a lot of these challenges are going to be tricky for newcomers, but hopefully the fact that the "3 fails = unlock" mechanic's in place, will help that, somewhat.


Meanwhile, I also fiddled about with the Matrix mode a bit, too.
I spent a decent amount of time making it all blocky and "grid-based", like the old Retro theme from SD2, but for some strange reason that actually resulted in a HORRIBLE mess whenever you tried to move.
I'm not sure why that is, but it's probably something to do with the fact that I've added a slight amount of inertia to the camera, this time. That's certainly been a cause for a few quirks along the way, that I've had to deal with, including the whole "1 frame behind" issue that I was having with the spikes.

Anyway, I've opted not to "griddify" the Matrix'y theme, and it now plays "Not horrible" again.
Undo can be super-handy, sometimes!


Daily Doodle : Taking Off

Platdude earns his wings!


There's no mail left in my mailbag.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D147 : Revisited - AGameAWeek