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Y7 - D148 : New MacMini! Blog
28th May 2015


A quick video..

About a week ago, I booted up the MacMini to test compile SpikeDislike3 onto my iPad.
I was SHOCKED by how poor the functionality of the MacMini was.
Slow, unresponsive, and certainly not what you'd call "Useful" in any way shape or form.
I guess that's what happens when you buy a Mac Mini in 2010, and only ever use it to compile iOS games, and then more or less stop compiling iOS games, thus leaving the MacMini abandoned and unused for the better half of a year.
.. or something like that.

So, the MacMini was all but a bust. .. But I can't let that stop me from making an All New SpikeDislike on iOS, can I?
Of course not!!
I hopped onto the Apple store, and ordered myself a new one. It's cost me ?569, so that's going to be my minimalist target for SD3 sales. If I reach that, I break even, and anything else is just happy funds!

The new MacMini arrived yesterday, and I plugged it in, set up the Devkit in a completely painless manner (which is a DRASTIC improvement on how it went, 5 years ago) and got SpikeDislike3 running on the iPad in just a couple of hours, between unboxing and playing SD3!

After that, I figured I'd try out the "Quicktime can now record your iOS games, via a simple Lightning cable" thing, that Apple keep banging on about.
I booted up Quicktime Player, clicked "Record Movie", and .. Wow! It REALLY does work!!!
It's incredible how silkily smooth the thing can record videos, especially at that high a resolution.
Next, I loaded the clip into iMovie and spent about 10 minutes cutting it up into the video above, before rendering the video, and uploading it to YouTube.

In all, the "Making a video" effort only took about half an hour from connecting the iPad, to having the video on YouTube. Obviously, I'd have to make BETTER videos in future, but as a quick test, that all went wonderfully smooth.
I'm impressed, and delighted that the new MacMini is working as well as it is.
Over the next day or so, I'm going to head back to Invisible Munky 2, fix up the Touch controls, and try submitting it to Apple as a "New Setup Test" project.

Wish me luck!!


... Meanwhile..

I tried to make an 80s-esque thing.. Not sure if it worked or not!

Daily Doodle : Top Attraction

Platdude is almost certain that the local funfair is skimping out on attractions.


Today's mail comes from Mike G

Love ya games! Thanks for making them and it must be insane making a game a week while balancing life!

Mike G

You're very welcome.

Life can be frantic, and eventful, sometimes. My coding is the thing that helps me to relax, much like an author writes books, an artist paints, or a musician composes.
After a while, it all just sort of comes together, and you stop thinking in terms of complex code, and instead just type away until something happens.
I'm glad that I have AGameAWeek to keep my mind active, and am happy to know that there are players who enjoy the results of my moments of insanity!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D148 : New MacMini! - AGameAWeek