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Y7 - D158 - ChuckABall Again? Blog
7th June 2015


Last night, I decided to open up my old projects. Over the past couple of years, my iOS releases reduced to practically nothing, yet I still built up an alarming number of games over the weeks.
Hopefully with the new faster, more usable MacMini in place, I can keep up a better rate from here on, but last night I found myself digging through the archives, seeing what would and wouldn't be suitable for iOS.

At which point, I stumbled upon ChuckABall.
For those who don't remember it, you line the ball up, chuck it either left or right, then watch as it bounds it's way down the area, destroying bricks and collecting gold rings.

There's no skill involved in ChuckABall.
In the game, you select one of 8 launch points, pick a direction, and then watch as the ball travels it's course. Tilting won't help. Tapping won't help. Nothing helps.
That's the game.
Pick a point, hit the button, watch it go.

In many ways, the game is both simple, yet inexplicably compelling.
As I sat there, with the current version of ChuckABall on my iPad, I played, and I played, and I played...
Level after level rushed by, and within a couple of hours I'd found myself having played over 100 levels of the blasted thing.

MAN, That game's addictive!!!

And so, today, I'll be spending the day fixing it up, and preparing it for an AppStore release.
I'm going to fix up the graphics, and probably rejig the gamecode a bit to make it more interesting to watch.
Over the next couple of days, that'll be my project, and then hopefully by the time Invisible Munky 2's arrived on iOS, I'll be ready to submit All-New ChuckABall to the AppStore.
.. maybe!

As always, Wish me luck!!

And, whilst we're on the subject of un-iOS'd releases, are there any games of mine that you'd like to see on there?
Let me know!


Daily Doodle : Uhoh!!

Platdude shouldn't be allowed near glass objects!


The mailbag is empty again

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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Blog - Y7 - D158 - ChuckABall Again? - AGameAWeek