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Y7 - D171 - Rejected!!! Blog
20th June 2015


Further rejections, this month, as a game gets rejected from yet another format. I'm not going to give them the publicity of a good rant, but suffice to say they rejected Invisible Munky 2 because, within the End Credits, I bothered to thank the people at, who helped me when I needed to test the game's physics.

("" is Onscreen between 1:44 and 1:49)

Because of that very very very small mention (of an unofficial forum, btw) the game was rejected from their store.
The game, with it's end credits intact, is also available on iOS, where they apparently don't give a munkys that the mention is in there.

The mention is there as a message of thanks, to the people who DIRECTLY helped me settle on the game's physics. If I didn't thank them, I wouldn't feel good about it. That's what thanks are for, and that's why they get a mention in the end credits of my game.

So, sod the reviewer that told me to remove it. Whoever they are. They can go to hell if they think I'm going to "Fix" that.


Daily Doodle : At the Gym

Platdude's training for a big adventure. I wonder what it'll be!?


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Lets Play SpikeDislike3

"FUCK!! It's so annoying that I can't go back!!"
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Blog - Y7 - D171 - Rejected!!! - AGameAWeek