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Y7 - D173 - Sleepy Jay Blog
22nd June 2015


Oh, boy, did I sleep, yesterday!!
Saturday night was FAR too hot, and I couldn't settle at all. I spent most of the night lying in bed, listening to music and not achieving anything at all. Sleep wise, I got around about 2 hours total, leading to a very very sleepy Sunday!
Suffice to say, Sunday I got NOTHING done.. Nothing at all, except for sleeping.
Lots and lots and lots and lots of sleeping!!

Dev-wise, I'm a bit closer to getting a good feel in Boxsplosions, but it's still not quite there, yet. The projectiles are moving too quickly, and everythings a bit small and squinty..

I think, today, I'll be focussing on that, and hopefully things will slot into place.
*fingers crossed*


Daily Doodle : When I'm Cleaning Windows

Platdude's turn to clean the windows. What a big ladder you have, Platdude!


In response to yesterday's post, Rychan suggested..

Maybe some mobile indestructable blocks would help add to the timing elements in the gameplay?


Yes, there'll be plenty of alternative blocks and things. My "Blocks" spritesheet currently has space for 64, of which I'm currently using only 6!!!
The current issue is that it's somewhat difficult to distinguish between the different types, when they're all so tiny onscreen. I think I'm going to have to upscale them a bit.
Once the basics are in place, though, I'll be able to add loads of different sorts of obstacles and things, to make the game more varied than the previous one.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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