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Y7 - D175 - Day One... Blog
24th June 2015


After a good 28'ish hours, the game appears to be picking up pace. Hopefully the pace will stay up for some time, and not peter out in the way that most of my games tend to do!
First day's sales (keep in mind that Day One was only about 4 hours) was 9 whole sales.. oooh!
Day two's not shown up in my stats, yet, as it's too early in the day for that sort of thing. Apple's timezones and schedules are all over the frickin' place!! One day starts at one point, and ends at a completely different one.
Utter chaos!

Meanwhile, I was coaxed online to "hack" my way into getting PromoCodes. My issue was that the link wasn't showing up, at which point someone on Twitter said "Why don't you just go directly to the URL?"
.. I had in fact already considered this, but over the past few weeks I've been chatting with the Apple Tech guys, and they were bemused as to why the link wasn't showing up.
I figured it probably wasn't the best time to be poking and prodding around with things like that, so I left well alone.

But now SpikeDislike3 is out, and I'm struggling to get Reviewers interested..



Yeah, I've kinda "hackied" my way into getting those promo codes. Apologies to Apple, but .. seriously, you guys. Come on!!

I've got one small batch of both SpikeDislike3 and ChuckABall codes, but am mostly using them for "Strict" Promo usage only. I might grab some more later, for spammyness, but don't hold me to that. I'd rather not make URL-Hacking into a regular event!!


Daily Doodle : Closer Inspection

Platdude investigates the rocks he's recently uncovered. They don't look very safe!


There is no mail, today

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

International Dislike!

A LetsPlay in a foreign language

A review in a foreign language

BAN SpikeDislike3!!! (It's on about the previous rejection!)

And, closer to home, PocketGamer announces the release.

Getting plenty of attention, so far. *fingers crossed*
Unfortunately, a couple of those make it sound like there's no longer an Endless mode in the game.. There is.. That'd be the Infinity levels.. Hmmm.. :
Maybe I should rename those to Endless, instead!?
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Blog - Y7 - D175 - Day One... - AGameAWeek