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Y7 - D177 - Turning Around Blog
26th June 2015


By now I should be mostly done with Boxsplosions, but unfortunately, and yet again, I've found myself wasting the day away doing not much more than SpikeDislike3 things!
.. and a lot of that has been playing!

Alarmingly, Rychan has been reaching amazing heights on the GameCenter scoreboards, easily slaughtering most of my best scores. Of course, I'm all too aware that people are much better at SpikeDislike than I am, but to see such HUGE scores shows just how compelling the game can be, once you find yourself hooked in!

Meanwhile, I've spent some time working on this..

Portrait Mode is missing from the current version of the game. If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure the iPhings can keep up with that much stuff!
SpikeDislike might not be much of a looker, but trying to get an infinitely scrolling parallaxed background onscreen, isn't exactly easy to do, especially when you then have to scale it to minuscule proportions, thus greatly increasing the number of sprites that have to be onscreen at a time!
It's tricky!
I've got the code in place, and will be throwing it onto my iPod Touch (5th Gen, with iPhone5's sized display) for testing, because that's the device that will likely struggle the most. A whole lot of vertical space, and hardly any horizontal. It's NOT a good screen resolution for a game that plays horizontally.. eeek!


Daily Doodle : Drivin' Thru

What's Platdude buying? Can't be food.. He doesn't eat! He has no mouth!!


Today's mail comes from Timmytot666

How did you make your website? : D


This blog is nothing more than a simple Wordpress installation. There's not much to it, at all, and it's currently even using one of the default bog-standard themes that come with it, too. (Twenty-Thirteen)
As most of you will be aware, design is not my strong point, so anything that lets me lazily cobble things together is a good thing!

The Jayenkai Archive site, however, is entirely hand-coded in PHP. A simple database holds all the games, and the PHP displays them. There's not an awful lot of stuff going on in the script, (although it has grown to a fairly substantial filesize) and it's pretty much entirely read-only for security reasons.
It's simplistic, and it's kinda getting old now, but it continues to do it's job, as a giant catalogue of my years of insanity!
If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.


Today's Player is @JaneJonesJJ

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Blog - Y7 - D177 - Turning Around - AGameAWeek