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Y7 - D179 - Mathematically Skewed Blog
28th June 2015


One of the new themes sees me playing a bit more with Monkey's Skewing. The Transform and Matrix commands let you do some weird things with sprites. I never bothered to use them in the past because it's generally hard to pull off a good effect with them, that doesn't just look like you're pissing about with fancy effects! But during SpikeDislike3 I decided to experiment with it a little.

You can see it used best in the Pseudo-3D theme. No 3D is used, and only simple skewing is involved. The graphics are skewed .. um.. downwards a bit.. and the "floor" is lowered so it's in the center of the graphics instead of the top. In all honesty, that's a REALLY simple effect, and I personally think it turned out really well, given how simplistic it all was.
The hardest part was drawing graphics that (mostly) manage to line up with the skewing effect. .. Those Boxed-Spikes took a good number of attempts to get right!.. 'ish!


Yesterday, I headed back to my latest theme, and a whole lot of maths.
It seems obvious to me now, but I was having really weird issues with the theme looking completely different, in different resolutions.
Turns out, the skew is (obviously) at a different position, depending on how far across/down the screen the skew is happening.
You start the skew at 0,0 then by the time you hit 100,100 the co-ordinates will be offset by however big the skew is.
Took me AGES to wrap my head around it, (thankfully this is only in 2D, because 3D maths is even worse!!) but I "think" I've managed to get it all sorted.
The effect now, at least, looks good enough in multiple resolutions and ratios, and that's a good thing.
.. I think!

Annoyingly, it's such a stupid little effect, that all of that hard work will pretty much go unnoticed!


Daily Doodle : Milky, Milky...

Platdude's other other other job is as a Milkman. He dashes around in the early morning, delivering all the lovely milky milk to all the houses.


There's no mail, again

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.


Andy C83 gets a highscore
Ever wanted to see someone get a ludicrously massive highscore?
Andy C83 spends nearly 4 and a half minutes in a single round!
... Most of my plays tend to last about 10 seconds!
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Blog - Y7 - D179 - Mathematically Skewed - AGameAWeek