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Y7 - D183 - Android ATTACK Blog
2nd July 2015


It's been about a week and a half since SpikeDislike3 appeared on Android and iOS.
In the space of just over a week, it's managed to do "fairly" well on iOS, and has sold over 100 copies. True, that's not amazing, but at least it's something, and it's great to know that at least 100 people still enjoy good gaming!

Meanwhile, on the Android side, the game has now sold 12 copies. Of those 12, at least one was a pirate, and that copy ended up being splashed over every damn piracy site you can imagine.
Not only that, but one arrogant little shit had the audacity to upload MY GAME to the Amazon market, and CHARGE FOR IT.. essentially making THEM money from MY hard work.

(* the offending item has since been removed from "sale", mostly because I ranted my fucking arse off, to Amazon)

I spent a lot of last night utterly pissed off about the entire Android situation. It's bad enough that Google gives away my bloody home address, without having all that piracy bullshit thrown right in your face. Try typing SpikeDislike3 into google, and rather than it going "Hey, we sell that game!" it goes "Oh, you must be looking for the pirated .apk file!"

If anyone is wondering why Android constantly gets the crap-end of games, and has to put up with shitty clones instead of the larger proper versions, then this is pretty much it.

All wrapped up in a neat little week-and-a-half package, this is why Android gets the shitty stuff.

Fragmentation is terrible.
Piracy is terrible.
Outright Fucking Theft is terrible.
And it's all available on Android.

Last night I uploaded an update to SpikeDislike3 on Android.
The update contains adverts.

This is the first time I've EVER put adverts into ANY of my games, and when you hit over 340 games, 99% of which are FREEWARE, it really has to have been something truly bloody awful that makes you cross that line.

Well, this is the line, and this is me crossing it.

The "wonderful" world of Android has pissed me off so much, in just over a week, that I've shoved a great big stonking bloody banner advert into my game.

I hope you're happy, Google...

If anyone wants to complain, you can easily find my address online, because .. Fucking Android...


Daily Doodle : Great Great GrandPlat

Great Great GrandPlat wears his medals with pride. He faught in the great Bat Wars of 1873, and will always be remembered for his glorious moustache.


Today's mail comes from Harrison

Can you doodle me a representation of all your games in one image?


342 games in one picture?! How on earth could I do all of that!?
... Hmmmm...


(I might attempt something better, later. Will need to bundle together a lot of gfx files, though!)

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.


Over on the TouchArcade forums, they've nominated SpikeDislike3 as a potential Game-Of-The-Week. Unfortunately, it's up against some fairly stiff competition, and it's unlikely to win, but it's nice that it got a nomination or two. It IS being noticed.. .. just not as much as I'd hope for!
Unfortunately, that's about as interesting as yesterday got in the world of SpikeDislike3.

I've had to start adding -apk to all my bloody searches, now. Stupid damn Android pirate bastards...
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Blog - Y7 - D183 - Android ATTACK - AGameAWeek