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Y7 - D196 - Upload Complete!! Blog
15th July 2015


App : SpikeDislike3
Status : Waiting for Review


Give it the obligatory 10 day wait, and you should be playing the 5 new themes in portrait mode without parallax scrolling! (or however you choose to play them.)

.. Assuming they let it through.

So, what next?
A new game, or more Spike?
Honestly, I think More Spike is on the menu, because I have 3 or 4 new theme ideas already leaping about in my head, and I'd like to see how they pan out.

So, um, yeah.. We'll see where we go from here.
Meanwhile, last night I uploaded "Precarious Zone", which means that the "Precarious" Album is now complete.

You can hear the complete Album here.

Next I'll have to re-render and upload them all to, where the quality ends up being a little better, and then decide on what the next album's going to be called.


Daily Doodle : The Great Wall

Platdude rebuilds the garden wall using bricks that look suspiciously like envelopes..


The Mailbag is empty once again.
Starting to think that this little section might not be worthwhile.. Hmm...

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.


Truth Behind the Lies continues his series of SpikeDislike3 videos, this time tackling the "Definitely Not Mario, Honest!" levels.
He finds them quite easy in comparison to the earlier ones, and I guess that's probably accurate. I tried not to make Sheepy move "too" quickly, as I struggled with a couple of the levels myself!
Guess that's something to remember. There are always better players than me. There's nothing wrong with making things REALLY hard ...
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Blog - Y7 - D196 - Upload Complete!! - AGameAWeek