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Y7 - D199 - Redo From Start? Blog
18th July 2015


I awoke this morning to find that FileZilla had crashed.
I'm using FileZilla to do a complete file transfer from my old NAS drive to the new one.

I'm not sure how far it got, or why it crashed, but crash it did, so I had to restart the whole bloomin' thing. Grrr. It's been set to "Skip if identical" to that at least should speed it up a bit.
Two whole smegging days, this has taken!!

Once it reaches the end of the transfer, (assuming it does!!) I'm going to have to run one of those directory-compare tools, I think, just to make sure that all the files have transferred properly.

Meanwhile, I've still not started any proper work on those new SpikeDislike3 themes (21-25). I'm being very lazy this week!!
I do have 3 fairly decent ideas in mind, however, so once I get going they shouldn't take too long to implement.
.. Just need to make a start, really.


Daily Doodle : Epic Slalom Challenge

Platdude Goes Skiing!


Today's mail comes from TimmyTot666

Have you seen the Jide Remix Mini PC? I'm excited : D


Yeah, but a tiny PC is just that. Either you have use of a desktop PC or you don't, and given that I've been exclusively a Laptop user for the past 3 years, I've no real use for a desktop anymore.
Other than that use, there's nothing magical about the little system.
Sure, it's neat and small, but what's the unique selling point?!

On the other hand, there's Armiga project.
An Android based device in the shape of a floppy drive, which can actually read Amiga formatted disks.
I've been kind tempted to grab one, and it'd make an interesting oddity on my desk.

The thing is, though, I still have a perfectly functional Amiga 600 set up next to my telly, and it even has a Compact Flash reader for easy transferring of files, making the Armiga next to useless to me... or at least until the real Amiga decides to self destruct!

But it's nice.. And it'd be nice on my desk.
I'm still in two minds on the whole thing.

.. It'd be nice, though.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

Spike Plus

If you've got the Android edition of SpikeDislike3, you'll have noticed another update, this morning.
Slight tweaks to the main menu layout to account for that banner advert being in the way in Portrait mode, and you've also got access to the newer Options menu, too.
In about a week or so (still waiting for the iOS review) I'll upload the first proper update with 5 new themes.
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Blog - Y7 - D199 - Redo From Start? - AGameAWeek