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Y7 - D210 - The Upgrade! Blog
29th July 2015


Annoyingly, not the upgrade I was looking for.
Yesterday, for some bizarre and unexplainable reason, PaintShop Pro 7 suddenly broke.
I'm not sure why it did, and I spent a good hour or so trying to figure it out, including a complete delete and reinstall, only to find the same issue.
It's weird, and I'd never seen it ask for a "User Directory" before, but no matter what directory I told it to try, it failed, failed and failed again.

I bought PSP7 in a Game store, way way way way back whilst still in College.
It's lasted over a decade, has been installed on multiple systems along the way, and has been my sole art tool throughout literally hundreds of games.

And now it no longer works, and I really have no idea why.

So, yesterday, I switched to GIMP..
I struggled with it for a while, and learned a few new keyboard shortcuts.
Then I hit Save
Then it said "What?! Are you CRAZY!? I can't save as a .png! You have to EXPORT if you want to do that!!!"
And then I shouted at GIMP.
And then I uninstalled GIMP.

Which left me with little/no choice.

I downloaded the demo for the newest PaintShopPro, which ironically is PSPX7, exactly 10 versions greater than the version I've been using for over a decade.
I installed it, and found that although it was mildly different, it was also pretty much exactly the bloody same.
The text dialogue box is missing, so that'll take some getting used to.
The colour scheme needed changing quick-fast, before the white-on-black tore my eyes out.
And I had to toggle a few switches to get it to act more like the 10-version-older edition.
But for the most part, PSPX7 isn't really all that different to PSP7, and if I'm honest, I can't tell what improvements, if any, have been added into the thing over the course of an entire decade.
.. If anything, it seems slower and sluggish. But, hey, that's bloatware for you :

I've paid my dues, and now own PSPX7, and it only took me about 15 years to upgrade.
I hope you're happy, Coral!!!

RIP : Jasc Software


Daily Doodle : On the Front Line

Platdude peeks over the top of the trenches. All appears to be safe.

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Needs more Cacti, I reckon.
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