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Y7 - D214 - What Have I Done!? Blog
2nd August 2015


I could've sworn I did SOMETHING, yesterday!
..but can I remember what?

I should probably jot these things down, as I go!

I know I had SpikeDislike3's source open for a bit, but then I also had BlastTrax's source open, too.
If I want to update BlastTrax, I first need to upgrade it's framework, and then add some music. hmmm.
Then I messed about with Arcade Slots. I do enjoy Arcade Slots, but other people still hate the "randomness" of it all. Weird..

So, yeah, I actually spent a lot of time peeking about through old projects, and not really managing to achieve much at all.
I think. .. Or maybe I did.

Lastly, a discussion on Twitter about JNKPlat, got me once again thinking about a new edition of that. It really is about time that Platdude took his rightful place, back in the world of JNKPlat, but I still can't quite fathom the touchscreen controls.
It's odd that, even after a good 5 years of trying to figure this out, I still haven't come up with anything decent.

Perhaps JNKPlat will live on in the world of PC and OUYAForge, but not in the land of Mobiles?
But that'd be a shame..


Daily Doodle : The Pink Windmill

Platdude's heard of a giant bird that lives in the pink windmill.
Is it true?
He's off to find out, and he's bringing some Green Jelly, to appease the beast within.


Today's mail comes from FFPD

Have you considered getting into the 3DS homebrew scene at all? I'd personally love to see JNKplat or SpikeDislike on the thing either as homebrew or eshop titles and I bet some other people would too.


Yes and No.
On the one hand, it'd be nice to revisit the world of DS Homebrew. On the other hand, I'd prefer if there was a "mostly legal" way to do it.
The only reason I got in on DS Homebrew in the first place, was because Datel released their "Music 'n' Games" cart, which allowed users to legitimately play Homebrew stuff. It was, IMO, the first and only attempt at bringing proper Homebrew to the masses... As legally as possible!
I don't like to sit here and suggest people go out and pick up piracy-riddled carts, just to play my stuff, and being able to suggest a Datel Legal-Brew cart was a lovely possibility.

Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, there's no similar device available on the 3DS. The only other option is going the "professional" route.
This involves a lot of things that I realistically can't offer. The last I checked into it, your devkit must be within a lockable room. Sitting on the couch in the living room with a single laptop, probably isn't that good of a layout, in Nintendo's eyes.
Also, I'd more than likely need to develop the games individually, rather than letting Monkey-X do the translating. This results in more work for me, and after the horrors of NeonPlat Adventures, I've vowed never to attempt porting again!!

And yet.. JNKPlat would be fantastic on a 3DS.


If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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