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Y7 - D215 - More Backups Blog
3rd August 2015

Hunting for Files

As I poke and prod around my new NAS drive, there are still gaps remaining.
My Midi and Mod archive is entirely missing. I never did manage to get them from my old hard drives, and now I'm starting to wonder how on earth I'm going to manage to do it.
For the most part, the Mod Archive can be re-grabbed from Aminet, where I originally got most of it. But there were various other sites that have been and gone in that time, which had wonderful tunes.
My Mini archive was mostly gained from Cover CDs and oddly Driver CDs. Each new soundcard would come with wonderful samplings of midi tracks, and I gathered up a whole lot of those things over the years.

As well as those, I of course had my own compositions in both Mod and Midi formats. It'd be nice to be able to access those again, some day.

..And then there's all those Amiga disks that I never finished going through. I should probably start the archiving process again, some day.

So, I'm left with a half-complete backup, and lots of bits here and there that could potentially go together, but which don't because pieces are missing.
Lots more to do! Some day, I'll have this all finished.


Meanwhile, over in the land of SpikeDislike3, I got Theme 22 into a vaguely playable situation.
It's not very difficult, right now though, so I think I'll have to keep prodding and poking the gameplay until it works a little better.
Also, I've had an idea for a new combo system for this mode, and it'll probably work on Theme 21, too, so that's nice.
I just haven't got around to implementing it, yet!
Bah. So much to do!!


Daily Doodle : Birdie Nom Nom

Platdude's spending the day feeding the birds, at the beach.


Today's mail, again comes from FFPD

In regards to legalbrew, there's a good number of homebrew-only exploits right now. Ninjhax is the big one now, though OoT3Dhax and Ironhax are soon to follow this week and don't/shouldn't enable piracy by themselves. Search up Smealum. He's done a lot of work for the scene. (Also, I'd download Ironfall soon since it's supposedly the key to free homebrew and Nintendo's inevitably going to pull it from the eshop)

As far as I know, the only piracy-related options are through flashcarts like Gateway or Sky3DS built specifically for warez and one exploit that requires old firmware.


If I grab my Datel Games'n'Music card, and slap it into my 2DS, I can play JNKPlatDS08. Today.. Right now..
That's a game from 2008.
I can play it today, with no issues whatsoever.

Note : Slapping the Games'n'Music card into the 3DS doesn't seem to work. I imagine Nintendo killed that a long long time ago. (Either that or the cartridge is being a git!)

If I attempt to hack my way onto a 3DS, it might stay working for a year, or maybe two if I'm lucky.. .. Or it might last a week.
That's the problem with hacking, and finding tweaks, and poking at holes. The holes get filled, the flaws get fixed, and your games stop working.

It's been a while since I tested, but to the best of my knowledge EVERY SINGLE ONE of the games in my Archive of 340+ games is still 100% playable. I use only the things that I trust will last.

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.

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