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Y7 - D224 - More Color! Blog
12th August 2015


Since the HTML edition of NeonPlat Adventures 2 will use a slightly different method to recolour the tilemap, it means I need to try and make the two different methods as close to each other as I can.
Yesterday I started to tackle this issue.
It's not 100% perfect, but I'm sure with a little number crunching, I'll manage to get the two editions looking "mostly" the same!


On the left is the HTML5 edition, which takes 2 different coloured sprites, and merges them atop one another to produce a variety of shades.
On the right is the Desktop EXE edition, which uses a single white sprite and recolours it as it draws it.
As you can see, they're "close", but not quite perfect. There's a little more colour in the HTML5 edition (oddly!) so I need to rejig my maths in the windows version to make it a bit more saturated. Android, iOS, OUYA and other editions will be the same as the Windows EXE build. It's just the HTML5 that'll have to use the odd "2 sprites per tile" method.

Still, it's not bad for a first attempt, and I'm quite happy that the HTML5 edition looks as vibrant as it does.
Now, I really should get started on that Level Generator..


Daily Doodle : A Day Out

Platdude continues his holiday, with a train ride. I wonder where he'll end up, next?!

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