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JNKPlat2010 : Editor in Progress... Blog
8th April 2010
(note, this is a bit waffley, and tends to jump about from point to point!!)

Today I've been working on the editor.
It's been a bit of a challenge, trying to think of every little think you might use, and also the keys for all of it, but I think it's coming along quite well.

Draw with the mouse to draw, left for the selected tile, right for blank.

WASD will scroll the screen around
E picks the tile under the mouse
Q allows you to draw a rectangle using either Left or Right mouse button.
For those familiar with the DS edition, that's pretty much the same, except with left and right scrolling.

I've added Mousewheel to select tiles, and you can drag the screen around by holding down the mousebutton.
Z and X can also be used to select tiles, and there'll be a bar along the bottom to pick, too, but I've not gotten around to that yet!
1,2,3,4,5 allow you to zoom in and out.
1 will zoom out to about 4x4 pixel sprites, so you can see a fairly large amount of the level.
2's a bit closer, and is a lovely 8x8 pixels..
3's double that (16), 4's double again (32), and 5 is the default ingame zoom. (64!)

The default zoom in the editor is the 32 one, mostly so it's all nice and clear, but giving you a better view of the area.

I'm now working on export rules.

Mode One will export the level as a simple ascii based level, which fans of JNKPlat will no doubt know and love.
Mode Two will compress the data, ready for future upload/level archiving.
This is the "My Level is Done" version, and will only be savable if the player completes the level.

So, whereas in the DS one, you could ONLY save if it were completable, I'm giving you the ability to save-as-you-go, and then fully save once it's all finished.

There's not a whole lot to see here, but there's the editor zoomed right out.
The levels are a maximum 250x250 tiles in size, but will shrink down to whatever size is needed.
Every level will have a spike/floor combo added to the very bottom, which will act like the DS's "Off the bottom of the screen" thing, but without it looking like there's a bottom!

Oh, and 30 seconds..

It takes 30 seconds to run from the far left, to the far right of a complete 250 tile-wide level.

... Might be a wee bit too big, but what the hey!!
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Blog - JNKPlat2010 : Editor in Progress... - AGameAWeek