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Y7 - D226 - All at Once Blog
14th August 2015


Complications occasionally crop up as you're developing a game.
The current complication is one of those "Everything NOW!!" issues.
See, I'd like to get my character's movement to work, and ensure my screen scrolling works as it oughta.
I've got left and right movement in, as that's pretty easy, but jumping requires that the ground collision is working properly.
That means I need to stop working on the character movement, and switch to working on the tilemap collision detection, instead. So I switch from movement to multiplication/division maths for finding blocks and get that mostly working, except that in order to properly test collisions with the tilemap, I need a basic tilemap level to test it on.
So then I stop working on movement, collision, grid detection, and instead head into the map generator, which currently gives me a floor and a few floating platforms.

That's roughly where I left off, yesterday.
Today I'm going to backtrack through that, make a more complex test map, get the grid to find the floors, then the player to walk on top, and lastly fiddle with numbers in order to get the jumping to "feel" right. There's nothing worse than having a platform game where the character feels like it's too "floaty".. .... Little Big Planet..



This one popped out fairly quickly, taking no more than about an hour to create. Not quite sure where it came from!

Daily Doodle : Phasers to Kill!

The Borg are attacking! Kill them all!!!

Mailbag : Empty

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Blog - Y7 - D226 - All at Once - AGameAWeek