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Y7 - D241 - Unexpected Sheep in the iOS Aisle Blog
29th August 2015


Jumped back and forth through a couple of things, yesterday, but mostly spent more time working on the level builder.
Things are starting to look a little more varied, and thankfully the addition of vertical scrolling has added a little bit more.
I'm currently worried about making sure the levels are completable, as I haven't yet added an AI player run-through of the level, to ensure it's at least playable. I'll have to do that next, I suppose.
In the meantime, I've been ensuring enemies and bouncing objects react roughly the way they should within the environment.

As you can see, the balls now bounce in a slightly less erratic way, and appear to be vaguely under some kind of control. They're no longer bouncing up steps and out of sight within a few frames, and are instead bouncing back and forth a bit before disappearing.
Hopefully, future changes in the landscape style won't make that all a worthless amount of coding!

Meanwhile, I randomly decided to give Sheep Goes Right a test on my iPad..

Mmmm... I think I might need to work on some levels for that, now.


Daily Doodle : Swimming

Platdude isn't wearing that snorkel correctly, or the goggles.
Silly Platdude!

Pixelarf Developments

Although you can't tell, all my tools for Platdude's Daily Pixelart underwent a minor overhaul since yesterday.
I draw the pixelarts onto 1024x1024 pixel spritesheets, using up 64x64 pixels for each pixelart.
This means I can technically fit 256 little artworks onto a single spritesheet, but I've ended up using the bottom-most row for random half-finished oddities, along the way.
This means I have 240 slots per spritesheet, and yesterday I finally hit that limit.

I wasn't honestly expecting to ever reach #241, so as of yesterday I spent about 3 hours going through all my code, both the server stuff and the windows .exe stuff, to ensure it would work the correct way, this morning.
Thankfully, I don't think I've broken it, as all seems to have come out nicely, this morning.
The complete first Artz can be found here.

You can also download the Complete Platdude Pixelarf Desktop Collection here, which includes lovely 1920x1080 desktop versions of all the pixelarts so far! (Currently about 6Mb worth)


Today's mail comes from DesktopGamer

This morning I had a call from an employment agency who found my CV on CWJobs - which, according to my sieve-like memory, was put there roughly fifteen years ago. Yes, you probably read that right. Unless you're dyslexic, in which case you likely think I'm prattling on about Um Bongo or something.

But I digress...

I explained that no, I'm not looking for work. If I'd been out of work for the thick end of two decades then no recruitment agency in the land would be able to score me a job. That aside, if it were true, I'd most likely be very happy slumped on the sofa watching Judge Rinder all day and shovelling Pringles into my gob like they're going out of fashion - breaking the rhythm only to sign on every fortnight.

Cheeky bitch then asked me where I was working now and how long for. I politely explained that perhaps she should mind her own god damn fucking business and not call my number again, else I would come round her house in the dead of night and poke dog shit through her letterbox (not a euphemism).

Can't whack the Friday Feeling. I'm off now to eat a Crunchie. Or maybe a Curly Wurly.


Oh... Kay!
Relationships can be complicated. I prefer to caress my keyboard, fondle my mouse, and stroke my touchpad.

As for crisps, I'm a fan of Monster Munch, myself. Although Square crisps are also a favourite.
(And both of those went out of fashion a LONG time ago!!)

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D241 - Unexpected Sheep in the iOS Aisle - AGameAWeek