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Y7 - D249 - Musical Terror!
6th September 2015
DevelopmentsI won't make you put up with the current horror show of the game's ingame music generator thing. I managed to get it "working" last night, but the difference between "working" and "not sounding like shit" are somewhat lengthy. Instead, here's a video of the game with just the sound effects added in, and I'm sure you'll agree, it's quite an improvement. A nice intro swooshy beamy sort of noise. A three-tone happy version of "Dum-dum-durrrr!" whenever you die.. And of course, the usual reused jumping, throwing, smashing and collecting sounds that have littered NeonPlat since the first version. .. I suppose I *could* replace a lot of those, but .. They're part of his world, now. Today I'll be mostly tweaking that damn music engine, in the hopes that it doesn't sound so truly terrifying! -=-=- Daily Doodle : The Plat SystemPlatdude's system is short and sweet. Two planets, one moon, and a big old sun to light it all up. Mailbag : EmptyIf you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually. Views 35, Upvotes 3
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