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Y7 - D279 - Making Hats Blog
6th October 2015


All of this New-OUYA recompiling and fixing has certainly taken it's toll on NeonPlat. The game should've easily been finished by now, but instead I'm still working on enemy placements and trying to come up with Hats, which is still fairly early days in the world of NeonPlat..
Yesterday I finished off Karl's Tiny Adventure and got it uploaded to both GameStick and OUYA. The OUYA one will be the better edition, since it includes the music.
Worryingly, NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure appears to be heading down that same route, as I can't quite figure out how I'm going to get the music to work in the GameStick edition.
But. Meh, whatever. I tried.. I spent about 24 hours working SOLELY on getting that to work, and if that's not enough time (in the world of AGameAWeek!) then I don't know what is.

After that I also fixed up, and uploaded Munky Blocks DX, which wasn't nearly as problematic as Karl was!
Finally, I got back to NeonPlat's Hats, and I've now got about half the hats working. There's a lot more repetition in this edition, though, since the enemies are in "groups" instead of being completely freeform (Blame Android!!)
But the hats are working nicely. In each group is a flying hat, and a shooting hat, and then a selection of seemingly random other hats.

.. I just wish there were more hours in the day, to get all of this stuff done!!


Daily Doodle : Plat History

A scroll showing the events of a great war, as seen in the Plat Museum.
It might look like the two blue Platizens have had their day, but just wait until you see what happens on the next section!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D279 - Making Hats - AGameAWeek