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Y7 - D308 - Retweaks for PlayJam Blog
4th November 2015


It's about time I started to retweak all those PlayJam games.
Although they're suitably working as they are, they all need a little rejigging for the newer system.
It seems the new PlayJam device is having trouble with one of my reused menu sound effects..
The tiny "blip" sound effect is less than 1kb, at only 772 bytes. It appears (And I really hope I tracked this down, correctly!) that the newer PlayJam device (FlarePlay) is having trouble with this particular sound effect.
Sometimes it works fine, whilst at others it appears to crash the entire game.
It's taken the better part of a week to track that down such a peculiar bug, but I'm pretty convinced that this is what's causing it.

When the game first loads, it plays the AGameAWeek jingle, then as soon as the menu appears, you get the little blip sound. This is where the games are crashing, so either it IS that, or.. .. it's something else!!
My guess is that the sound is too damn small for the audio buffer, or something, so I've lengthened the silence after the wav, and will have to copy the new version over to each game, recompile and resign, before uploading the new edition of each and every one of the 42 game list over to PlayJam.
Although there's now slightly less games on the PlayJam side, since I'm not even attempting to do Multiplayer games on there, until I'm 100% sure they're going to work!

So much work to do, and not much time to get it all done..

*wish me luck*


Daily Doodle : A Close Shave

Platdude doesn't like people to know that he shaves his legs.


Today's mail comes from Spinal_Cord

How about, once you get back into agaw, a monthly (or longer) game where you revisit one of your past games and attempt to flesh it our a bit, making it into something that takes longer than a week? Remember how spike 1 took off? perhaps that could happen again with one of the other games.


I do indeed occasionally tackle longer/larger monthly projects.
SpikeDislike2 and Blockman Worlds were both tackled during a regular AGameAWeek Schedule (back in 2013)
The trouble I'm finding myself tackling is that I get bored with projects after too long, and usually end up jumping to something completely different, instead.

If there are any particular games you'd like to see me tackle longer versions of, feel free to let me know!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D308 - Retweaks for PlayJam - AGameAWeek