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Y7 - D309 - Bobbying Blog
5th November 2015


Yesterday I recreated Hoppy Bobby in the Advent Calendar. It's not an amazing feat, but it is at least something.
Other than that, I spent some time rejigging Neon Bike Championships for OUYA, and also sent PlayJam a copy so they can test it to see if it's Multiplayer code is any less crappy than JNKBombers was. I'll keep that copy aside, incase they decide it is indeed worthy of a proper upload, but if you don't ever see it on GameStick/FlarePlay, that'll be why.

Today I have to sort out NeonPlat Extreme for OUYA and PlayJam. The OUYA edition will *should* be as it was before, but the PlayJam version will have the multiplayer component stripped out, for my own sanity!
Both versions will be made available to PlayJam, and they can choose which best suits the system.

*sigh* So much to do, and only about 20 days left to finish coding all these Advent games..
The year's drawing to a close, and I'm not ready!!! Arrrgh!!!


Daily Doodle : Greenie Attacks

Evil Lord Greenstick is, of course, the mortal enemy of Platdude, and today he's coming after as many Platizens as he can.
I think he might've borrowed this machine from Dr Robotnik!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D309 - Bobbying - AGameAWeek