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Y7 - D311 - REJECTED!! Blog
7th November 2015


Yesterday I got a rejection email from "OUYA" to say that my references to "OUYA" in the game The Final Warrior on "OUYA" was enough to get it rejected from being on "OUYA".
It seems that now that OUYA are no longer OUYA, and are now instead "Razer/Cortex", and as a result I need to stop making so many references to OUYA in my OUYA games.
.. Or something to that effect.

Changes have been made and the game re-uploaded, and hopefully the new edition will be passed through without further issues.

Meanwhile, NeonPlat Extreme also got rejected because the poor little Razer console ran out of memory.
Knowing what I do about the tech, and the way that Android works, I can only assume that their Razer "Test System" is allowing multiple apps to run simultaneously. There's really no other reason why it would fail, that I can think of.

Silly Android!!
As such, a slightly rejigged edition of NeonPlat will be appearing on OUYA/Razer/Etc, which is marginally less crisp than the original.
Hopefully the same issue doesn't crop up when I eventually get Cosmic Adventure finished!!



Daily Doodle : Discussing Payments

Platdude's wondering if he can afford a nice new shiny spaceship.
Mr SpaceSlug isn't being very co-operative.


Today's mail comes from Spinal

Platdude colouring book!


I can imagine that might end up looking more like a sheet of graph paper, than a proper colouring book!


Incidentally, the Plok colouring book is now available from Amazon. Silly, and nonsensical, but fun none the less!

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Blog - Y7 - D311 - REJECTED!! - AGameAWeek