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Y7 - D318 - Audio Test! Blog
14th November 2015


Another Advent game ticked off, and a whole bunch more to go.
I might try to spice yesterday's game up a bit more, before release, as it's a little bland the way it is.

Anyhoo, that got done, and then I spent a while playing with audio bugs on the PlayJam devices.
If you have an Android device and would like to play "I wonder what happens on MY Android device?" then you can grab the .apk here.

Download The Audio Test APK!

For some bizarre and curious reason, the PlayJam devices seem to freak out when the length of the audio file is too short.
Cases when the audio file might be too short. Menu Beep, Gunshot, Platdude's tappidytap running sound, Looping sound for music, and other various times.
Those occasions when all you need is a 700 byte "blip" and it's more than enough to fill the gap.

Bizarrely it seems that some Android devices get confused if the audio file has already finished playing before it's had a chance to register that it's started to play it.
Some Android devices will go "Oh, how strange" and carry on, whilst others will have a complete and total panic attack, and crash back to the system menu.

It's a very curious thing, and I'm starting to lengthen some of my generic sound effects as a result. "sfx/099.wav" is a particular bugbear as it's in ALL my 2013+ games, is only 766 bytes long, and goes "blip" when the games are first loaded, meaning that 99% of the time, my games insta-crash on the newer PlayJam device.

Anyway, if you want to test it on your device, grab the apk and select "Normal" mode.
You'll see up to 20 numbered blips, each blip getting progressively smaller, until either it finishes successfully, or it crashes.
If it DOES crash, let me know what your device is, and what number it reached before breaking.


Meanwhile, some choonage..


Daily Doodle : Hang in There

Platdude's helping out at the call center. Apparently this caller's having issues with Internet Explorer.
Platdude knows exactly what the issue is, but the caller refuses to let go of IE.
Silly caller!!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D318 - Audio Test! - AGameAWeek