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Y7 - D326 - Waiting.... Blog
22nd November 2015


I hate waiting..
And now I'm waiting for 2 sets of people to do their Review thing..
TeamOUYA normally get around to things on a Monday, but with all the chaos going on over there, I'm expecting mid-week at the earliest.
Meanwhile, PlayJam could take ages. Their reviews seem to be nice and fast, but the delay between Review and Release is somewhat erratic.
My first PlayJam game took about a month from when it was "Passed" to when it became available on the system.
But recent "All those games that have appeared, recently" games have been going through the system a little faster, which is nice.


Anyhoo, I continued to play with my framework, and got a few more nice elements into place.
I even bothered to reintegrate the badges into the menu. The sliding right hand sidebar now includes a brief overview of all your currently earned badges, up to about 64 of the thing, space permitting.
It's nothing magical, but it's good to know they've finally got a place other that the horrendous orange rectangle that they used to be in.

Also, it hides away nicely when there are no badges to earn, which is a good thing!

[Image Missing]
I'd've included a test screenshot, but I've already deleted all my test data, and the accompanying test image, so .. Never mind!!

Now I need to decide on a nice common style for the badges, so they're quicker to draw, and look better when upscaled to the ludicrous size that Apple wants them at. (1024x1024, last I checked!)

Stupid Apple!! And that's before tackling the immense amount of back&forth'ing that's required to actually upload the bloody things.


Daily Doodle : Stupid Plants

Platdude isn't having a happy time, here.
Quite how Mario manages to do it, every day, is baffling.

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - Y7 - D326 - Waiting.... - AGameAWeek