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7-338 - Beta Plans Blog
24th November 2015

Daily Blog

What'll be happening with Beta Collexion?
How can I get my games on Steam?
And.. Snooker?!



Beta Collexion

Over the past month I've tried my best to make as many varied games as possible, but within my own constraints, that's not entirely plausible!
There are many game genres that I haven't tackled, this year, which I probably would've if I had a bit more time, but I'd been too focussed on NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventures that I didn't even start working on Beta Collexion until FAR too late in the day.

Started : Oct 17th 2015
Finished : Nov 20th 2015
34 days of coding to create 26 games.
Not bad going, even if I do say so myself.

As you play, you'll hopefully notice that each of the games is a little bit more substantial than last year's offering. They're more replayable, and there's much less craptastic-ness in this year's groupings.
There's still the odd two. "N" and "W" are kinda cheaply made naff games, but most of the others are nice and fun.

You'll also spot a couple of "I'd like to retackle that game" highlights along the way, including that very first game, Army of Flags.
For a while, I've been trying to decide on the best way to do a mini Army style thing, and this one seemed to come out nicely.
There's a couple of other highlights which I'll point out as we get to them, which will also make for nice expanded games.

Unfortunately, since I was rushing these, I didn't have time to work out Touch controls for any of the games.
ALL of the games actually do include "Left thumb = Analogue touchpad, Right thumb = Fire button" controls, but a lot of the games end up with your thumbs being over the top of essential gameplay, so in the end I opted to switch off mouse/touch until I had more time, and then.. .. well.. I didn't have more time!!

Bah, humbug!!

Anyway, I'll be posting each day over December, describing each game, and throwing out handy hints for each game. So, if you're playing along, be sure you've already played that days game, or this site's going to be full of spoilers!!

I hope you enjoy this collection, and that you all have a happy holiday, whichever holiday it is you happen to celebrate.
FWIW : I tried to keep the Xmas references in the game down to an absolute minimum. I hope that counts for something!

Daily Doodle : Pot Black

Platdude? Playing Snooker?
I bet that Snooker table cost an absolute fortune.
Balls are extremely rare, on Platworld.


Today's mail comes from TozeLeal

Do think one of your games will be avaliable on Steam? I know gamejolt is a cool platform for indie games... but on steam you can expand your fanbase more easily .

(I love your blog post )


There's a couple of issues with Steam.

1. To just get it onto Steam, as is, you pretty much have to be a well known major publisher. That ain't happening any time soon, so my only option is Greenlight.

2. Greenlight spam fills up my email inbox and twitter feed on a daily basis. "Vote for my game!" "My game is AWESOME!" "VOTE VOTE VOTE"
That can fuck off. I am NOT doing that.

So, no. There's practically no chance of seeing my games available directly on Steam.
However.. If you grab the Windows exe, you can add it to your Steam Library.
Then, on each of my Archive pages, (Where I've bothered to add one!) under the two screenshots, amongst the Bonus Assets, you should find a Steam Icon, which oughta be just the right size to fit nicely. Although it's been a couple of years since I tested that. Let me know if it's wrong!

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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