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7-332 - Even More Hats! Blog
28th November 2015

Daily Blog

A very Platdude based blog entry, today!



I'm now down to about 9 hats to add to NeonPlat Adventure 2.
I also tested out the game on the GameStick for the sake of trying it out on my small telly, and .. umm..
I think I need to get the game to avoid drawing dark blue thin lines against a dark blue background! That didn't turn out very well on the telly.
Additionally, I spent a little while recompiling and reuploading a few more of the FlarePlay targetted compilations.
... They still haven't yet gotten back to me that ANY of these recompilations are actually working properly.. I've recompiled and resubmitted 15 of the bloomin' things, so they'd better well be working!

In addition to all that, (!) I had the unexpected delivery of a brand new JNKPlat 2010 level. I'd forgotten so many things about 2010's level editor, and how it functioned, and had to sit here for a good hour or so re-familiarising myself with it's workings.
I say an hour.. I mean it took about 10 minutes, but then I spent a good hour playing the thing!

It's got me thinking, yet again, as to how I can get this game working in my current dev-environment.
I'd like to get it running everywhere, but with so many controller configs, and those darned touchscreens, it just doesn't seem to be a game that can exist happily on all platforms.
Which is a shame, because it's a fun game.


Daily Doodle : Punch Out

Platdude practises some more for his upcoming fights.

...Unaware that I've yet to even consider tackling such a game.
He's got plenty of practise time!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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Blog - 7-332 - Even More Hats! - AGameAWeek