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Nearing the End Blog
6th January 2016


As I kick off the new year, I'm also still trying to wind down last year's stuff!


The great big pile of OUYA/PlayJam game fixes STILL isn't quite finished.
Last night I spent a good hour or so, fixing up a few more games, and getting them submitted for "Fixed-Review", and for the most-part it went smoothly.
From a Dev's point of view, PlayJam definitely have the slower frontend. To upload everything takes a silly amount of time, compared with OUYA's frontend. As a single example, to upload 5 screenshots to OUYA, you click the screenshots thing, click upload, then drag all 5 across and give it a few seconds to figure things out. With PlayJam, you need to click the upload button, select screenshot/thumbnail, select the image, upload the image, wait about 10 seconds for it to figure things out... .. And then repeat for all the individual screenshots.
Takes absolutely bloomin' ages!!
... either that or I'm rushing and being impatient.. I'm usually doing that.. That's probably the main issue!!


Last night I uploaded another 7 fixes, which means there's now only 4 more games to upload, before the "Fix all the OUYA games" list is finally complete.
And BOY, will that be a relief!!

I can then simply sit back, relax, and wait for some other stupid Android related issue to raise it's ugly head.

Daily Doodle : Rainbow Maker

Platdude's got a lovely picture of a Rainbow Maker.
That's a nice new camera you've got there, Platdude!

Mailbag : Empty

If you'd like to stuff my mailbag, (Please do!!) you can do so right here, at . Send comments, questions, game ideas, thoughts and more, and they'll probably turn up here, eventually.
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